We present our research projects and publications on COVID-19, which are relevant in the international setting of healthcare research.
We present our research projects and publications on COVID-19, which are relevant in the international setting of healthcare research.
In the video Roland Friele outlines the focus of Nivel on the topic of COVID-19. In short: until March 2021 we mainly monitored the SARS-CoV-2 and it’s direct consequences on individuals as well as society. From March 2021 onwards, we focussed in particular on the long(er) term consequences of COVID-19, both physical and psychosocial. We present to you our research mainly on this second subject.
Influenza: MOnitoring Vaccine effectiveness in Europe-COVID-19
In working together in the I-MOVE COVID-19 consortium, established in 2020, many partners of the I-MOVE network (existing since 2007) obtain epidemiological, clinical and virological information on COVID-19 and patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in a high quality, efficient and rapid way.
Long-COVID: gaining insights into the long-term complaints after COVID-19
In order to minimize the negative consequences for patients who suffered from COVID-19, also in the long term, it’s essential to gain insights into these consequences. For our reseach on Long-COVID We conduct a large-scale research, using various research methods and various healthcare data derived from different resources: a mixed methods approach.
Understanding and communicating the impact of COVID-19 on influenza
In our FluCov project we document and communicate about the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on influenza activity and the measures to prevent and control influenza in the coming years (e.g. by vaccination).
We cover the issue of COVID-19 mortality, the link between influenza vaccination and COVID-19 and the serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.