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Yvette Emond, PhD
Organisation and Quality of Healthcare


I am working on the SAFEST project. The EU funded SAFEST project aims to improve perioperative patient safety by establishing and implementing patient-centred EU standardised practices to decrease the rate of adverse events in the health care system.



Externe begeleider en beoordelaar master opleiding Physician Assistant HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen
Postdoctoraal onderzoeker IQ health, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
PhD student IQ health, Radboudumc, Nijmegen 
Coördinator Vereniging Veilige Curatieve Zorg, Deventer 
Gezondheidswetenschapper IKNL (Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland), Maastricht 
Psycholoog Afdeling medische psychologie en kinderafdeling Laurentius Ziekenhuis, Roermond 
Psycholoog Basisschool Lambertus, Swalmen 
Psycholoog GGD Westelijke Mijnstreek, Thuiszorg Westelijke Mijnstreek en Huis van de sport Limburg, Sittard-Geleen


Health Service Innovation, MSc Public Health, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life
Sciences, Maastricht University
Health Education and Promotion, MSc Public Health, Faculty of Health, Medicine
and Life Sciences, Maastricht University
Neuropsychology and developmental psychology, BSc and MSc Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University