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Tessa Magnée
Researcher (postdoc) General Practice Care


I am a psychologist and a researcher in the field of mental health care in general practice. Increasing numbers of people with mental health problems visit the general practice. On the one hand, this is desirable, because professional help for mental health problems can be valuable or even indispensable. On the other hand, a risk of medicalization arises if (normal) life problems are labeled as diseases. General practices offers low-threshold care and, with their gatekeeper role, have an important function in the mental health care system. For all these reasons, it is important to conduct research in this field, for example by monitoring the numbers of patients with mental health problems who visit general practitioners and general practice mental health professionals (GP-MHPs), and by investigating what care they receive.



In 2017, I finished my PhD research at Nivel into mental health care in general practices. My dissertation was nominated for the Public Health Dissertation Prize and the CaRe Award (honorable mention). Since my PhD research, I have been exploring the themes of gender diversity and tapering of psychotropic drugs, have been working as a general practice mental health professional (GP-MHP) and have been stimulating research amongst GP-MHPs, for example by conducting member polls at their national professional association.

Biological and cognitive psychology (MSc, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Media and journalism (MA, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
GP-MHP training (FortaOpleidingen, Rotterdam)

Memberships/external committees

Chair of the Scientific Research Committee of the National Professional Association of GP-MHPs
Lecturer at RINO-Groep – developing and providing a module on sex and gender sensitive care in the training for GP-MHPs
Member of the working group 3rd revision of the NHG Standard for Depression
Member of the working group 3rd revision Multidisciplinary Guideline Anxiety
Member of the working group 1st revision Akwa GGZ Generic Module Family members
Member of the Gender & Mental Health Care Alliance
Member of the scientific program 9th World Congress on Women's Mental Health 2022