How do health systems in European countries react to the COVID-19 crisis? An up-to-date overview
Nivel is providing this information on the Netherlands for the COVID-19 Health Systems Response Monitor. This website provides a clear overview of how countries from the WHO European Region and some other countries react to the COVID-19-crisis. The focus of the monitor is on the responses of the health systems in each country. The overview is updated weekly. Presently 26 countries are included and this number is rapidly increasing. The website is an initiative of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and the European Commission.
The country reports provide the state of affairs of the measures and initiatives that national authorities in the participating countries have undertaken. In addition, it also describes initiatives that emerge from society (at grass-root level).
Prevention, care, care capacity and relevant measures in several European countries
In the reports, attention is paid to, amongst others, prevention, care and care capacity issues. It also covers relevant actions for sectors other than the healthcare sector. The initiative emerged out of the numerous requests to the WHO Member States in Europe to share health system related actions and information concerning COVID-19. It appeared that there was no central place with a clear overview of health system responses to the COVID-19 challenges.

Participating countries at the COVID-19 HSRM at present
Currently 26 countries contribute to the COVID-19 Health Systems Response Monitor, among them Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and Canada.
Health Systems and Policy Monitor Network
Nivel is part of the Health Systems and Policy Monitor (HSPM)-network, an initiative of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The HSPM network provides systematic descriptions of the health systems in Europe, facilitating a structured comparison among countries. Changes in the health systems are described on the Health Systems and Policy Monitor. The members of the HSPM network contribute their national data to the COVID-19 HSRM.
This research project relates to Nivel's research program Healthcare System and Governance (lead by prof. Judith de Jong, PhD).