Main survey PaRIS study launched: how do patients with chronic conditions experience care in primary care?
Recently, the main survey within the international PaRIS study was launched. In 20 countries worldwide, an international consortium, led by Nivel, is investigating whether, and, if so, how patients' experiences with primary care affect their health. To this end, development of special questionnaires was started in 2020 and a pilot was held in all participating countries in 2022. In the Netherlands, 12 GP practices participated in the pilot. About 100 Dutch GP practices will participate in the main survey.
The changing demand for care requires a refinement of the care system
In many counties there is an increase in the number of people with (multiple) chronic conditions. Therefore, healthcare systems in many countries have to deal with changing and increasing care needs. In order to be able to respond adequately, it is necessary to make healthcare systems more future-proof, in particular with regards to primary care. The PaRIS study makes an important contribution to this effort by providing insights into how, in different countries, patients' experiences with primary care affect their health. The knowledge gained can be used by policymakers to make healthcare systems more patient-centered.
Phase 1 (2020-2022): questionnaires developed for general practitioners and patients
The study consists of several phases. The first phase consisted of developing, translating and testing two questionnaires, one for general practitioners and one for patients. We ask general practitioners what resources they have at their disposal to coordinate care for patients with chronic conditions and to support these patients. We ask patients about their experiences with the care they receive (with so-called PREMs). These questions relate, for example, to treatment, communication or information provision regarding the care received. We also examine patient-reported outcomes of care received (with PROMs), which relate to complaints, such as pain and fatigue, and the quality of life.
Phase 2 (2022): pilot conducted
A pilot was then conducted in 2022 in all participating countries. The results from the pilot were analyzed to determine whether the questionnaires needed adjustment and whether the process was set up properly. This included things like how we recruit GPs. In the Netherlands, 12 GP practices and over 1,000 patients participated.
Phase 3: main survey starts
We recently started the main survey. In cooperation with Calculus, an organization that supports GPs with their declarations and financial administration, we are currently approaching GP practices in the Netherlands. The aim is to have 100 GP practices complete the questionnaire developed for them. A selection of patients aged 45 and older from these practices will be invited to complete the patient questionnaire. We expect the first results early next year.
About the research project
For the roll-out and coordination of the study within Dutch general practices, Nivel is involved as National Project Manager. In addition, Nivel is consortium leader of the PaRIS-SUR Consortium for the international organization of the study. In this role we collaborate with Ipsos, the University of Exeter, the Avedis Donabedian Institute and Optimedis AG. The research is commissioned by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).