
Working conference ‘Health Services Research in Europe’ - where policy and research meet -

Join us in setting priorities for European health services research. This will not be a classic “ten-minute paper presentation conference”! Instead, this two-day meeting will be a unique opportunity for health services researchers and policy makers from across Europe to discuss and develop a policy supportive research agenda.

Interested parties in the field of Health Services Research are invited to help identifying and improving the contribution of health services research to European policy and practice. To that end, a special two-day working conference, funded by the EC Seventh Framework Programme, will give researchers and policy makers the opportunity to set an agenda with priorities for health services research in Europe and at national level, tuned to the information needs of the policy makers. The conference will be a mix of thematic workshops on main areas of Health Services Research and plenary sessions on the research & policy agenda.

Who should come?
Members of the health services research community as well as policy makers in the EU, its Member States and neighbourhood countries are invited to subscribe to our conference.

Date and venue
The working conference takes place at April 8-9 2010 and will be held at the World Forum The Hague, easily accessible by many means of transportation.

Abstracts submissions
Both policy makers and researchers are invited to submit abstracts at the conference website for a contribution to this working conference. Policy abstracts may address experiences with the use of research in policy or under-researched priority areas in the health care sector. Research abstracts may focus on innovative applied research projects/programs or on structured ways of collaboration with decision makers. Admitted abstracts will be used to guide the discussion at one of the thematic conference workshops. These contributions go beyond the usual posters or "ten-minute presentations".

Registration and abstract submission is possible via Early bird registration is possible until 1 February 2010. For more information contact the organisers: