Requesting data for research
Nivel's Primary Care Database (Nivel Zorgregistraties Eerste Lijn) uses routinely recorded data from health care providers to monitor health and utilisation of health services in a representative sample of the Dutch population.
One of the Nivel national databases
Nivel Primary Care Database is part of Nivel's research infrastructure, which consists of panels, national databases and monitors. With this research infrastructure, Nivel provides relevant information from different perspectives: that of patients, clients and citizens, that of healthcare providers and that of the organisation of healthcare.
The aim of Nivel Primary Care Database is to do research on developments in health and the use of primary health services in the Netherlands. Therefore Nivel Primary Care Database answers questions like:
Our database consists of data we derive from the registrations of many different primary care disciplines:
These data are combined and supplemented with information about pharmaceutical care and secondary level care collected by other organisations.
Healthcare providers who participate in Nivel Primary Care Database receive periodic feedback reports that enable them to compare themself with their peers.
Privacy protection
We value the privacy of people and organisations that participate in our registrations. In our Privacy Regulations for the Primary Care Database (in Dutch) we state what data we collect, how we manage it, what data we may provide to third parties and what the rights of the registered participants are. Hereby we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that took effect in EU in 2018:
Results of research with the panel you can find at Publications on this website, where you can fill in your own search terms (such as 'primary care').
Steering committees with representatives from national associations of healthcare providers decide about the use of the data. The governance protocol (in Dutch) can be downloaded.
We look forward to getting in touch with you.