Mission driven research
Nivel provides research for better care. The results of our research can be used for the continuous improvement and innovation of healthcare (services), in the Netherlands and abroad. Focussing on four societal challenges the coming years, as we explain in the Nivel Research Agenda 2022-2024, fits seamlessly in Nivel’s mission driven research. For conducting this multifaceted research Nivel rests on its broad knowledge base.
Focus on four major societal challenges
We have drawn up the following complex societal issues as 'challenges' we, as a society, have to address:
The first two challenges concern societal issues also relevant in the healthcare sector, the other two concern the healthcare system itself. For each societal challenge, we indicate how our research contributes to finding solutions.
Our broad base of knowledge
Nivels’ research rests on a broad knowledge base. With a unique research infrastructure of national panels and registries, and with the efforts of many researchers who complement each other in terms of scientific background and expertise, we provide answers to the challenges above and to other questions facing healthcare.
Nivel Institute, corporate information
At About Nivel you can read more about Nivel as an institute. Driven by our mission, in short ‘research for better care’, we have built up an organisation and research infrastucture, both nationally and internationally. And above all, with our great diversity of experts and research programs, we can insure that Nivel can play it’s central role in connecting the many different ‘worlds’ in the sector of healthcare: policy, practice and science, as well as organisations, healthcare professionals and patients and citizens.
Want to know more about a specific societal challenge? Click on its label (below) or picture (above).
Zenderen, I. van (Nivel Research Communication Center). Nivel Research Agenda 2022-2024: four societal challenges. From: www.nivel.nl [Last update 12-February-2024; consulted on 10-March-2025]. URL: https://www.nivel.nl/en/nivel-research-agenda-2022-2024