The general practitioner usually is the first contact for a patient and is also - often for a long time - the constant factor in the medical care for the patient. We study the healthcare questions the GP is confronted with, the care that is provided by GPs and the referrals to secondary care.
More concrete: we monitor the requests for help to GP’s, the occurring diseases and their course, the need for care, the care provided and the quality of that care. In addition, we keep track of changes and patterns of infectious diseases that present themselves on a weekly basis.
Points of focus 2022–2024
- Multimorbidity and the complex care requirements that come with it.
- Weekly surveillance of infectious diseases.
- Aftercare for patients with cancer.
- Prevention, research into both preventing diseases and delaying their deterioration during the course of illness.
- Incidence and prevalence of diseases and research on what this means for future care.
- Psychosocial problems in general practice.
Our publications or our projects
There are several ways to find the international publications and research projects relevant to this reseach program:
- A good view of the international publications and projects specificly related to this research program you will find in the two drop-down litst at the international profile page of the program coordinator.
- All international publications and all current international projects of Nivel are listed together, in a chronological order (latest on top). You can enter a specific search term in the search field to find all publication(s) and all project(s) containing your search term.
- Prominent publications and projects can be accompanied with a News item. These you will find in our News Archive (all, latest on top) and on this page at News (on the right).
Want to know more?
For more information on (conducting research together with Nivel in) this specific area of expertise, please feel free to contact our expert and program coordinator Bart Knottnerus (on the right).
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Knottnerus, B. Research Program General Practice Care. From: [Last update 12-February-2024; consulted on 10-March-2025]. URL: