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Afstemming regionale VTV en VAAM: haalbaarheidsstudie naar een samenhangende informatievoorziening over gezondheid en zorg op lokaal en regionaal niveau.

Bon-Martens, M.J.H. van, Bakker, D.H. de, Loon, A.J.M. van, Graaf-Ruizendaal, W.A. de, Jacobs-van der Bruggen, M.A.M., Zwakhals, S.L.N., Oers, J.A.M. van. Afstemming regionale VTV en VAAM: haalbaarheidsstudie naar een samenhangende informatievoorziening over gezondheid en zorg op lokaal en regionaal niveau. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2012, 90(5), p. 303-311.
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Improved alignment between the provision of information in public health and in primary healthcare could provide an important common basis for linking up public and curative healthcare. Important instruments for providing information at local level are the Public Health Status and Forecasts report (PHSF) for public health, and the Supply and Demand Analysis Monitor (VAAM) for primary healthcare. In this feasibility study, we investigated how we could better align the information provided by these two instruments. For both instruments, the research approach consisted of a number of common phases (inventory, selection, analysis, and working out) in which the intended users of both instruments were involved so as to indicate and ensure the relevance of the instrument to the objective of the instrument. The results show that, while alignment between the information provided in the VAAM and the regional PHSF is considered to be desirable, at present this is possible only to a limited extent. It is already possible to supplement the regional PHSF with VAAM data on supply and demand for GP care (for Local Authorities, the most important form of primary healthcare). Similarly, the VAAM can be extended with data on health and prevention from the regional health surveys (one of the most important sources for the regional PHSF). However, the VAAM forecasts of expected care demand cannot be improved in this way. To link up public health and primary healthcare at local level it is above all important to invest in the dialogue between Local Authorities and primary healthcare.(aut. ref.)