Senior researcher Organisation and Quality of Healthcare, Person-centred Integrated Care
Balancing between health and autonomy. 'Diabetes says: two sandwiches and one cream cracker only'.
Cardol, M., Rijken, M. Balancing between health and autonomy. 'Diabetes says: two sandwiches and one cream cracker only'. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities: 2010, 23(5), p. 454. Abstract. 3rd International Conference of IASSID-Europe, 20-22 October 2010, Rome.
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Aim: To describe the experiences of adults with ID to influence their everyday life in institutional care. Method: An ethnographic approach was used including 26 months of fieldwork in an institution which provides accommodation, schooling, daily occupation and socialization on-site for adults with ID (n = 77). The data collection involved participant observations and in-depth interviews with 12 adults with ID. Results: Adults with ID were given the opportunity to partly exert influence in their own private sphere, in school activities and in social relationships with other residents and carers. At the same time, they experienced a lack of influence related to not being able to choose activities and in not knowing the duration of their stay. Conclusion: The study contributes to understanding the value of exerting influence for adults with ID in institutional care. It suggests that such a focus would assist in further improvement and development for those who are still living in institutions in the 2010s. The results indicate that it is important that the care environment provides adults with ID the right to make their own choices, as it supports independence and the opportunity to participate and influence, which is in line with national policies. (aut. ref.)
Aim: To describe the experiences of adults with ID to influence their everyday life in institutional care. Method: An ethnographic approach was used including 26 months of fieldwork in an institution which provides accommodation, schooling, daily occupation and socialization on-site for adults with ID (n = 77). The data collection involved participant observations and in-depth interviews with 12 adults with ID. Results: Adults with ID were given the opportunity to partly exert influence in their own private sphere, in school activities and in social relationships with other residents and carers. At the same time, they experienced a lack of influence related to not being able to choose activities and in not knowing the duration of their stay. Conclusion: The study contributes to understanding the value of exerting influence for adults with ID in institutional care. It suggests that such a focus would assist in further improvement and development for those who are still living in institutions in the 2010s. The results indicate that it is important that the care environment provides adults with ID the right to make their own choices, as it supports independence and the opportunity to participate and influence, which is in line with national policies. (aut. ref.)