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Beyond legislation: gaining insight into impact of raising the minimum legal drinking age.

Roodbeen, R.T.J. Beyond legislation: gaining insight into impact of raising the minimum legal drinking age. Tilburg: Tilburg University, 2021. 241 p. Proefschrift van de Tilburg University
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Prior work has demonstrated that raising a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) has intended impact on underage alcohol use and its consequences. It reduces underage drinking and alcohol-related societal harm, protecting minors from short- and longterm negative consequences of early alcohol use. However, despite raising a MLDA, some adolescents are still able to obtain and drink alcohol. #is indicates that the
effectiveness of the MLDA and its capability to reduce the alcohol availability for minors is not optimal.

Although the intended effects (i.e., reducing underage drinking and alcohol-related societal harm) of raising a MLDA have been studied rather extensively, the role of implementation and unintended impact of a MLDA has hardly been studied up to now. Yet, more knowledge on the implementation (i.e., compliance, enforcement and
public support as key-elements) and unintended impact (i.e., the complex, capricious and unintended relationship between legislation and reality) is essential for an e"ective and optimized alcohol policy. In this PhD thesis, I focus on how the implementation of a raised MLDA can be improved to optimize its impact. To do so, three research questions are answered, focusing on 1) processes or factors on compliance with the MLDA (chapter two, three and four), 2) ways to optimize enforcement of the MLDA (chapter !ve and six) and 3) the involvement of processes and factors with intended and/or unintended impact after a raise of the MLDA (chapter seven). Regarding chapters two to six, empirical evidence within the Dutch setting is gathered. This setting is
suitable and relevant, because in the Netherlands, the MLDA was increased from 16 to 18 years in 2014. Regarding chapter seven, an international literature review was conducted.