Senior researcher Infectious Diseases in Primary Care, surveillance
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Biennial pattern of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the Netherlands and a shifting age distribution following a low rotavirus season, 2010-2016.
Verberk, J.D.M., Pijnacker, R., Bruijning-Verhagen, P., Franz, E., Vennema, H., Hooiveld, M., Hahné, S.J.M., Melker, H.E. de. Biennial pattern of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the Netherlands and a shifting age distribution following a low rotavirus season, 2010-2016. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: 2018, 37(9), p. e248-e250.
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A hyperendemic rotavirus season was expected after a low-endemic 2014 season in the Netherlands. Rotavirus detections were however similar in 2015 and lower in 2016 compared with 2010-2013. Gastroenteritis consultations rates were also similar in 2015, but the age-distribution shifted to older children due to an accumulation of non-infected children. Results indicate a possible shift to a biennial rotavirus pattern. (aut. ref.)
A hyperendemic rotavirus season was expected after a low-endemic 2014 season in the Netherlands. Rotavirus detections were however similar in 2015 and lower in 2016 compared with 2010-2013. Gastroenteritis consultations rates were also similar in 2015, but the age-distribution shifted to older children due to an accumulation of non-infected children. Results indicate a possible shift to a biennial rotavirus pattern. (aut. ref.)