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Children with abdominal pain in Dutch general practice.

Gieteling, M., Wouden, H. van der, Schellevis, F., Berger, M. Children with abdominal pain in Dutch general practice. Occhio Clinico: 2006(suppl. 6) 73. Abstract. 12th Regional Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine: "Towards medical renaissance bridging the gap between biology and humanities", Florence, Italy on 27-30 August 2006.
Introduction: Abdominal pain in children is a challenging complaint for general practitioners. After ruling out an acute organic reason for the pain he has to manage the non-specific or non-organic abdominal pain. From research performed in secondary and tertiary care and from cross-sectional surveys, we know that non-specific abdominal pain is a worrisome and highly prevalent problem which tends to re-occur. From general practice there are hardly any data about the clinical course of abdominal pain, nor about the GP's management. Research questions: What is the occurrence of abdominal pain in children in Dutch general practice? How often do these children re-consult their GP and what is the GP's management? Methods: Data were analysed from the Second Dutch National Survey of general practice (2001). GPs coded all consultations using the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC). We identified all children from 2-17 years with abdominal pain. We analyzed the consulting frequency for abdominal pain, the percentage of children who re-consulted the GP, their patient characteristics and the GP's workload and management. Results : A Dutch GP sees 45 children from 2-17 years with a complaint of abdominal pain per year per 1000 registered children. This accounts for 2.5% of all annual contacts of children. 25% of children with a new complaint of abdominal pain reconsulted their GP within a year. Conclusion: Abdominal pain in children is a challenging area, resulting in a considerable workload for the GP. (aut.ref.)