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De samenwerking tussen huisartsen en de GGZ is voor verbetering vatbaar.

Heideman, J., Laurant, M., Lin, N. van, Verhaak, P., Wensing, M., Grol, R. De samenwerking tussen huisartsen en de GGZ is voor verbetering vatbaar. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2006, 84(1), 22-28
Aim: To describe factors that influence collaboration between GPs and mental health professionals. Method: A survey conducted amongst 2757 GPs regarding collaboration, barriers regarding
collaboration and task performance. Multiple regression analysis (stepwise) was performed to see which factores influence collaboration. Results: 1336 questionnaires were returned and 1196 questionnaires were analysed. Less than half of the GPs were informed about different aspects of specialised mental health care providers. Only a quarter or less of the GPs consulted frequently with the different mental health care providers but a quarter or more had never consulted with them. GPs experienced more barriers with specialised mental health care providers than with primary mental health care providers. Long waiting lists and insufficient possibilities for conjoint treatment were the most important barriers. Collaboration was enhanced by the presence of a contact person and the appreciation of information given by mental health care providers. Barriers associated with collaboration had a negative influence. Conclusion: Collaboration can be improved. To do so, information about mental health care towards GPs has to be improved as well as consultation with different mental health care providers. (aut.ref.)