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Diagnosing major depression in elderly primary care patients: nuances and determinants.

Volkers, A.C., Nuijen, J., Verhaak, P.F.M., Schellevis, F.G. Diagnosing major depression in elderly primary care patients: nuances and determinants. International Psychogeriatrics: 2003, 15(sup.2) 208. Abstract. 11th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association: "Enhancing the Human Connection in the Age of New Technologies: Implications and Opportunities for the Aging", 17-22 August 2003, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The researchers studied how general practitioners (GPs) diagnosed elderly patients with depressive symptoms. Sociodemographic factors such as younger age, female sex and more education, clinical characteristics such as severe depression and comorbidity of anxiety disorders are suggested to improve the diagnostic rate of depression. It may be decreased by comorbidity of somatic diseases. The role of these determinants was investigated in old age. (aut.ref.)