Senior researcher Healthcare System and Governance
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The Dutch health insurance system: mostly competition on price rather than quality of care.
Brabers, A.E.M., Reitsma-van Rooijen, M., Jong, J.D. de. The Dutch health insurance system: mostly competition on price rather than quality of care. Eurohealth: 2012, 18(1), p. 30-33.
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Consumer mobility is an important element of the Dutch health insurance system. The idea is that consumers who are not satisfied with the premium or quality of care can switch insurer. One fifth of the population switched insurer in 2006. In 2007–2009 the number of switchers stabilised at around 5%. However in 2011, the premium increased more than in previous years and consequently, the percentage of switchers increased to 8%, showing that the difference in the rate of premium is an important incentive. This is also confirmed by the motivations that people give for switching. The results illustrate that price competition exists in the system; however, competition based on the quality of care seems to be absent. (aut.ref.)
Consumer mobility is an important element of the Dutch health insurance system. The idea is that consumers who are not satisfied with the premium or quality of care can switch insurer. One fifth of the population switched insurer in 2006. In 2007–2009 the number of switchers stabilised at around 5%. However in 2011, the premium increased more than in previous years and consequently, the percentage of switchers increased to 8%, showing that the difference in the rate of premium is an important incentive. This is also confirmed by the motivations that people give for switching. The results illustrate that price competition exists in the system; however, competition based on the quality of care seems to be absent. (aut.ref.)