Coordinator research program Professions in Healthcare and Manpower Planning; endowed professor 'Health workforce and organisation studies', Radboud University, the Netherlands
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Education and planning: anticipating and responding to skill gaps, changing skill needs and competencies.
Batenburg, R., Kroezen, M. Education and planning: anticipating and responding to skill gaps, changing skill needs and competencies. In: C.Maier, M. Kroezen, R. Busse & M. Wismar, (Eds.). Skill-mix Innovation, Effectiveness and Implementation Improving Primary and Chronic Care. New York: Cambridge University Press. Series: European observatory on health systems and policies p. 294-320.
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Most European countries are faced with a chain of challenges in health care. Due to the ageing of the population and a growing number of chronically ill patients with multimorbidity, the demand for health care is higher than ever. At the same time, countries are confronted with current and forecasted health workforce shortages and maldistribution. Many countries have turned to interprofessional work and task substitution in response to these challenges (De Bont et al., 2016). Both concepts are interconnected and imply changes in the skills of health care professionals (OECD Health Division Team, 2018) as well as in the skill-mix of health care organizations (Dussault & Buchan, 2018). A key requirement for these changes to successfully take place, is that education and planning systems effectively and rapidly respond to the changing skill requirements at the workplace.
Most European countries are faced with a chain of challenges in health care. Due to the ageing of the population and a growing number of chronically ill patients with multimorbidity, the demand for health care is higher than ever. At the same time, countries are confronted with current and forecasted health workforce shortages and maldistribution. Many countries have turned to interprofessional work and task substitution in response to these challenges (De Bont et al., 2016). Both concepts are interconnected and imply changes in the skills of health care professionals (OECD Health Division Team, 2018) as well as in the skill-mix of health care organizations (Dussault & Buchan, 2018). A key requirement for these changes to successfully take place, is that education and planning systems effectively and rapidly respond to the changing skill requirements at the workplace.