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Een samenhangend beeld van kanker: ziekte, zorg, mens en maatschappij. Themarapportage van de Staat van Volksgezondheid en Zorg.

Vonk, R., Korevaar, J., Saase, L. van, Schoenmaker, C. Een samenhangend beeld van kanker: ziekte, zorg, mens en maatschappij. Themarapportage van de Staat van Volksgezondheid en Zorg. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2016. 72 p.
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Every year, 100,000 people in the Netherlands are told that they have cancer. Treatments for cancer have become increasingly effective over recent decades, as a result of which fewer people are now dying from the disease. However, there is not much information about the drastic long-term effects of the disease and its treatment on the quality of life and on social participation among current and former patients.

This publication contains information about the survival rates, the care chain, and ‘people and society’. This shows where there are still gaps in our knowledge and where unrelated data items could be linked together sensibly. In addition, four forms of cancer are explained in greater depth: cancer of the breast, large intestine and lungs, and acute lymphatic leukaemia in children. This has been done because the way in which they arise, the average age of the patient, the consequences, the treatments and the survival rates vary enormously depending on the type of cancer.

The report has been written on the instructions of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. It is part of the State of Public Health and Health Services project. It is the result of cooperation between RIVM (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), NIVEL (the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), Zorginstituut Nederland (the National Health Care Institute), the Trimbos Institute (the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction) and CBS (Statistics Netherlands).