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Effectiveness of XBB.1.5 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in older adults during the JN.1 lineage-predominant period, European VEBIS Primary Care Multicentre Study, 20 November 2023-1 March 2024

Merdrignac, L., Laniece Delaunay, C., Verdasca, N., Vega-Piris, L., O'Donnell, J., Sève, N., Trobajo-Sanmartín, C., Buda, S., Hooiveld, M., Rodrigues, A.P., Túri, G., Latorre-Margalef, N., Mlinarić, I., Lazar, M., Maurel, M., Castrillejo, D., Bennett, C., Rameix-Welti, M.A., Martínez-Baz, I., Dürrwald, R., Meijer, A., Melo, A., Oroszi, B., Samuelsson Hagey, T., Kurečić Filipović, S., Dijkstra, F., Gómez, V., Bacci, S., Kaczmarek, M., Kissling, E. Effectiveness of XBB.1.5 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in older adults during the JN.1 lineage-predominant period, European VEBIS Primary Care Multicentre Study, 20 November 2023-1 March 2024 Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2024, 18(11), p. Art. nr. e70009.
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We estimated XBB.1.5 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection among adults aged ≥ 65 years during the 2023/2024 JN.1 lineage-predominant period in a European multi-country test-negative case-control study at primary care level. We estimated VE adjusted by study site, age, sex, chronic conditions and onset date. We included 220 cases and 1733 controls. The VE was 48% (95% CI: 12-71), 23% (95% CI: -11-48) and 5% (95% CI: -92-56) among those with symptom onset 1-5, 6-11, and ≥ 12 weeks after vaccination, respectively. XBB.1.5 vaccine provided short and moderate protection against JN.1 symptomatic infection.