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EHealth at different speeds: a brief outline eHealth-monitor 2018.

Wouters, M., Swinkels, I., Lettow, B. van, Jong, J. de, Sinnige, J., Brabers, A., Friele, R., Gennip, L. van. EHealth at different speeds: a brief outline eHealth-monitor 2018. Den Haag/Utrecht: Nictiz, Nivel, 2018. 15 p.
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Delivering healthcare in a digital era provides us with more and more possibilities. In healthcare, the use of
the internet and technology supports healthcare providers in improving the care process. More and more, applications support healthcare users in the field of prevention and in leading a healthy lifestyle. Increasingly, eHealth offers possibilities for dealing with chronic health disorders and the possibility to co-decide with the healthcare provider regarding care or treatment. Modern technology enables remote care and can promote self-management.

The rise of healthcare demands requires a different way of working, and this is where the use of eHealth can provide essential solutions. These developments, however, often come with challenges. Sometimes there are concerns that technology will replace the human side of care provision. In addition, there is convincing evidence that eHealth applications do not have the desired effects on health and healthcare, so it is with good reason that some new eHealth applications emerge and disappear. Successful implementation and use of eHealth is therefore not self-evident.In previous editions of the eHealth-monitor, we concluded that this requires a change process that goes beyond merely implementing new technologies. We can now state that effective and efficient use of eHealth requires a transformation within healthcare.

This outline describes and addresses the most important results and findings and concludes with some recommendations.