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Further use of data and tissue for a learning health system: the rules and procedures in The Netherlands compared to Denmark, England, Finland, France, and Germany.

Veen, E.B. van, Verheij, R. Further use of data and tissue for a learning health system: the rules and procedures in The Netherlands compared to Denmark, England, Finland, France, and Germany. Utrecht: MLCF/Nivel, 2023. 204 p.
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Opening up health data is essential for a learning health system but is a challenge in many European countries. These challenges are partly about the rules regarding the further use of patient data and human body material. This report investigates the Dutch rules and discussions on further use of patient data and tissue and how access to health data and data linkage is organised. The Dutch rules and procedures are compared with Denmark, England, Finland, France, and Germany and lessons for the Dutch situation are drawn.