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Health indicators profiles: an instrument for comparation.

Deckers, J.G.M. Health indicators profiles: an instrument for comparation. Gaceta Sanitaria: 2003, 17(sup. 2) 78. Abstract: XXI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, conjunta con la Federación European de Epidemiología de la Asociación Internacional de Epidemiología, 1-3 October 2003 in Toledo, Spanje.
As part of the European Commission Health Monitoring Programma, health indicators have been developed which contribute to the establishment of an European health monitoring system. Epidemiological information of this system will be derived from various information sources. To study the appropriateness and comparability of primary care as a source of epidemiological information, the indicators need to be structured into profiles. This will also facilitate international comparisons of the information and thus permit valid comparisons between countries. Primary care networks that monitor diseases on a continuous basis participated in the current study. Methods: Primary care networks from Belgium, England & Wales, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain delivered epidemiological data on diseases mainly managed in primary care. Specific health indicator profiles (HIPS) were developed for each disease. Results: A total of 9 diseases was selected based upon the feasibility and appropriateness of primary care data for each individual disease. This selection consisted of acute diarrhoea/gastroenteritis, asthma, low back pain, chickenpox, depression, diabetes mellitus, herpes zoster, stroke/TIA and viral exanthemic disease. For each disease nominator and denominator information from at least 3 countries available. HIPs which were developed include the following categories: health indicator, information on case definition and contextual information per country. HIPs for a selection if diseases will be presented here. Conclusions: Primary care data can be used as a tool for public health monitoring. Background information and a description of the data source is necessary in order to make valid comparisons. Profiles containing information on health indicators can be developed which allow for such comparisons. (aut.ref.)