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How to create and administer scripted video-vignettes in an experimental study on disclosure of a palliative breast cancer diagnosis.
Vliet, L.M. van, Hillen, M.A., Wall, E. van der, Plum, N., Bensing, J.M. How to create and administer scripted video-vignettes in an experimental study on disclosure of a palliative breast cancer diagnosis. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 91(1), p. 56-64.
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Objective: Scripted consultations provide the opportunity to vary and study the effect of specific elements of medical communication. These scripted consultations are role-played, videotaped and then judged by analogue patients. Most studies applying this methodology have provided little insight into how they created internally and externally valid written and role-played scripts. In this paper we aim to address this gap by providing a detailed description of a scripted video-vignette study's methodology. Methods: Following the five phases of creating and implementing scripted video-vignettes the current study's methodology is described: (1) deciding if video-vignettes are appropriate, (2) developing a valid script, (3) designing valid manipulations, (4) converting the scripted consultations to video, (5) administering the videos in an experiment. Results: Following these phases and four validation steps internally and externally valid vignettes were developed. Conclusions: The detailed description of the current study's methodology produced general recommendations for scripted video-vignette studies, such as the importance of validating both the written as well as the role-played scripts and involving both experts and lay people in validating the scripts. For other choices no golden standard exists. (aut. ref.)
Objective: Scripted consultations provide the opportunity to vary and study the effect of specific elements of medical communication. These scripted consultations are role-played, videotaped and then judged by analogue patients. Most studies applying this methodology have provided little insight into how they created internally and externally valid written and role-played scripts. In this paper we aim to address this gap by providing a detailed description of a scripted video-vignette study's methodology. Methods: Following the five phases of creating and implementing scripted video-vignettes the current study's methodology is described: (1) deciding if video-vignettes are appropriate, (2) developing a valid script, (3) designing valid manipulations, (4) converting the scripted consultations to video, (5) administering the videos in an experiment. Results: Following these phases and four validation steps internally and externally valid vignettes were developed. Conclusions: The detailed description of the current study's methodology produced general recommendations for scripted video-vignette studies, such as the importance of validating both the written as well as the role-played scripts and involving both experts and lay people in validating the scripts. For other choices no golden standard exists. (aut. ref.)