Coordinator research program Learning Health System; endowed professor 'Transparency in healthcare from a patient perspective', Tranzo, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Publication date
Implementing the learning health care system.
Verheij, R., Barten, D.J., Hek, K., Nielen, M., Prins, M., Zwaanswijk, M., Bakker, D. de. Implementing the learning health care system.: , 2014.
Background: As computerisation of primary care facilities is rapidly increasing, a wealth of data is created in routinely recorded electronic health records (EHRs). This data can be used to create a true learning health care system, in which routinely available data are processed and analysed in order to enhance good clinical practice as well as to enable responsible decision making in health politics. This workshop focuses on how to unleash the potential value of EHR data to create a learning health care system.In this workshop we will use NIVEL´s government funded Primary Care Database as an example, where routine health data from multiple primary care disciplines (GPs, out of hours services, psychologists, pharmacies, physiotherapists, dieticians) pertaining to 1.2 million individual patients listed in 400 GP practices, are linked and analysed, thereby creating valuable information on the use of health services, quality of care and developments in public health. This information is used for policy making by the Ministry of Health, health care insurers and professional organisations of health care providers that form the political landscape. Second, by providing valuable feedback information to participating health services that can use it in negotiations with health care insurers. And third, by making the underlying data available for secondary analyses by qualifying researchers under the condition that all research outcomes become available in the public domain. Learning goals Participants will learn how we 1) gained trust and awareness of mutual benefits in relevant parties; 2) dealt with privacy issues; 3) attained a viable governance structure, giving control to relevant parties while also allowing access to anonymised data by other parties; 4) dealt with data quality issues; 5) linked data from various primary care disciplines; 6) present relevant research outcomes in an accessible way so that they can be used for health policy; 7) provide relevant feedback information for participating health practices. Expected impact on the participants Participants will learn how routinely available electronic health record data can help to enable responsible decision making in health politics and to promote good clinical practice. This will help participants to develop similar initiatives in their own local/national situation.
Background: As computerisation of primary care facilities is rapidly increasing, a wealth of data is created in routinely recorded electronic health records (EHRs). This data can be used to create a true learning health care system, in which routinely available data are processed and analysed in order to enhance good clinical practice as well as to enable responsible decision making in health politics. This workshop focuses on how to unleash the potential value of EHR data to create a learning health care system.In this workshop we will use NIVEL´s government funded Primary Care Database as an example, where routine health data from multiple primary care disciplines (GPs, out of hours services, psychologists, pharmacies, physiotherapists, dieticians) pertaining to 1.2 million individual patients listed in 400 GP practices, are linked and analysed, thereby creating valuable information on the use of health services, quality of care and developments in public health. This information is used for policy making by the Ministry of Health, health care insurers and professional organisations of health care providers that form the political landscape. Second, by providing valuable feedback information to participating health services that can use it in negotiations with health care insurers. And third, by making the underlying data available for secondary analyses by qualifying researchers under the condition that all research outcomes become available in the public domain. Learning goals Participants will learn how we 1) gained trust and awareness of mutual benefits in relevant parties; 2) dealt with privacy issues; 3) attained a viable governance structure, giving control to relevant parties while also allowing access to anonymised data by other parties; 4) dealt with data quality issues; 5) linked data from various primary care disciplines; 6) present relevant research outcomes in an accessible way so that they can be used for health policy; 7) provide relevant feedback information for participating health practices. Expected impact on the participants Participants will learn how routinely available electronic health record data can help to enable responsible decision making in health politics and to promote good clinical practice. This will help participants to develop similar initiatives in their own local/national situation.