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The incidence of sexual dysfunction in patients attending Dutch general practitioners.

Kedde, H., Donker, G., Leusink, P., Kruijer, H. The incidence of sexual dysfunction in patients attending Dutch general practitioners. International Journal of Sexual Health: 2011, 23(4), p. 269-277.
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Data on patients with a sexual dysfunction were collected in 45 Dutch general practices between 2003 and 2008. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of patients with a sexual dysfunction, associated health problems, and related interventions performed by their general practitioners (GPs). The study design was a dynamic cohort study comparing 6 years of data on patients with a sexual dysfunction. Participating GPs were asked to record weekly all consulting patients who presented with a sexual dysfunction. In an additional questionnaire, these problems and associated interventions were specified. Incidence of sexual dysfunctions varied between 132 per 100,000 per year for male patients and 60 per 100,000 per year for female patients. Men mainly consulted a GP for erectile dysfunction, and women mainly consulted a GP for hypoactive sexual desire disorder and dyspareunia. Sexual desire problems were more often associated with comorbid problems such as psychological and relationship problems and medication use than other sexual dysfunctions. Female patients showed more co-occurrence of sexual dysfunction and were more often referred to secondary care services than were male patients. During the period of 2003 to 2008, the help-seeking pattern of men and women consulting their GP for a sexual dysfunction appears to be stable. The presence of comorbid problems indicates that GPs are often dealing with complex multifactorial dynamics. Co-occurrence of sexual dysfunction among women probably resulted in a higher referral rate to secondary care services. Therefore, a gender-sensitive approach and an open mind to differences in sexual identity are needed for counseling in and treatment of sexual dysfunction. (aut. ref.)