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Interbeobachter-Reproduzierbarkeit der Beurteilung des Schweregrads von Beschwerden, der Griffstärke und der Druckschmerzschwelle bei Patienten mit lateraler Epikondylitis.

Smidt, N., Windt, D.A.W.M. van der, Assendelft, W.J.J., Mourits, A.J., Devillé, W.L.J.M., Winter, A.F. de, Bouter, L.M. Interbeobachter-Reproduzierbarkeit der Beurteilung des Schweregrads von Beschwerden, der Griffstärke und der Druckschmerzschwelle bei Patienten mit lateraler Epikondylitis. Manuelle Therapie: 2005, 9, 211-217
The aim of the study was to evaluate the reproducibility of the assessment of severity of complaints, grip strength, and pressure pain threshold in patients with lateral epicondylitis in primary care. The interobserver reliability of severity of complaints and grip strength was excellent. The measurement of pressure pain threshold showed unsatisfactory reliability. Grip strength and the overall assessment of the severity of complaints are useful and reliable measures for the assessment of lateral epicondylitis. (aut.ref.)