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Making doctor-patient communication more effective from a patient’s perspective: a European mixed-method study in general medicine settings=Naar een effectievere arts‐patiënt communicatie vanuit het perspectief van de patiënt: een Europese mixe...

Mazzi, M.A. Making doctor-patient communication more effective from a patient’s perspective: a European mixed-method study in general medicine settings=Naar een effectievere arts‐patiënt communicatie vanuit het perspectief van de patiënt: een Europese mixed methods studie in de huisartspraktijk. Utrecht: Nivel, 2017. 281 p. Proefschrift van de Universiteit Utrecht
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This dissertation focuses on what European citizens and users of primary care consider important in the communication between doctors and patients. Involving citizens' and patients' perspectives in the evaluation of the quality of physician communication is fundamental as patients often experience problems with the quality of physician-patient communication and, moreover, regularly have different goals and priorities than their physicians. Knowing the preferences, expectations and needs of patients increases the chance that the medical consultation is successful in the eyes of the patient.