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Monitoring of influenza in the EISS European network member countries for october 2000 to april 2001.
Manuguerra, J.C., Mosnier, A., Paget, W.J. Monitoring of influenza in the EISS European network member countries for october 2000 to april 2001. Eurosurveillance Monthly: 2001, 6(9), p. 127-135.
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Interantional comparative study
- In countries covered by the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS), the 2000-2001 winter was marked mainly by the spread of influenza A(H1N1) viruses.
- Influenza B, which globally represented a minority of cases, was common later in the season and predo-minant in Great Britain, Ireland, and Portugal
.- Influenza activity was at its maximum during the period of January and February/March 2001 with little time lag between countries (maximum four weeks).
Overall, the morbidity rates reported were much lower than for the previous season, illustrating a moderate level of influenza activity.
- In countries covered by the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS), the 2000-2001 winter was marked mainly by the spread of influenza A(H1N1) viruses.
- Influenza B, which globally represented a minority of cases, was common later in the season and predo-minant in Great Britain, Ireland, and Portugal
.- Influenza activity was at its maximum during the period of January and February/March 2001 with little time lag between countries (maximum four weeks).
Overall, the morbidity rates reported were much lower than for the previous season, illustrating a moderate level of influenza activity.
Interantional comparative study
- In countries covered by the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS), the 2000-2001 winter was marked mainly by the spread of influenza A(H1N1) viruses.
- Influenza B, which globally represented a minority of cases, was common later in the season and predo-minant in Great Britain, Ireland, and Portugal
.- Influenza activity was at its maximum during the period of January and February/March 2001 with little time lag between countries (maximum four weeks).
Overall, the morbidity rates reported were much lower than for the previous season, illustrating a moderate level of influenza activity.
- In countries covered by the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS), the 2000-2001 winter was marked mainly by the spread of influenza A(H1N1) viruses.
- Influenza B, which globally represented a minority of cases, was common later in the season and predo-minant in Great Britain, Ireland, and Portugal
.- Influenza activity was at its maximum during the period of January and February/March 2001 with little time lag between countries (maximum four weeks).
Overall, the morbidity rates reported were much lower than for the previous season, illustrating a moderate level of influenza activity.