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Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire: development and testing of a questionnaire that measures continuity of care.

Uijen, A.A., Schellevis, F.G., Bosch, W.J.H.M. van den, Mokkink, H.G.A., Weel, C. van, Schers, H.J. Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire: development and testing of a questionnaire that measures continuity of care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology: 2011, 64(12), p. 1391-1399.
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Abstract: To develop and pilot test a generic questionnaire to measure continuity of care from the patient's perspective across primary and secondary care settings. We developed the Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire (NCQ) based on a systematic literature review and analysis of 30 patient interviews. The questionnaire consisted of 16 items about the patient-provider relationship to be answered for five different care providers and 14 items each on the collaboration between four groups of care providers. The questionnaire was distributed among patients with a chronic disease recruited from general practice. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify subscales. We refined the factors by excluding several items, for example, items with a high missing rate. In total, 288 patients filled out the questionnaire (response rate, 72%). PCA yielded three subscales: "personal continuity: care provider knows me," "personal continuity: care provider shows commitment," and "team/cross-boundary continuity." Internal consistency of the subscales ranged from 0.82 to 0.89. Interscale correlations varied between 0.42 and 0.61. The NCQ shows to be a comprehensive, reliable, and valid instrument. Further testing of reliability, construct validity, and responsiveness is needed before the NCQ can be more widely implemented. (aut.ref.)