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PatientTIME: participatory development and evaluation of a web-based, pre-visit communication tool for patients with malignant lymphoma.
Bruinessen, I.R. van. PatientTIME: participatory development and evaluation of a web-based, pre-visit communication tool for patients with malignant lymphoma. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2016. 192 p. Proefschrift Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
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This thesis is primarily set up with the aim to design and test a web-based communication tool. The tool aims to support (out-) patients with their conversational contributions during their consultations in oncology care. The secondary aim was to examine the feasibility of granting patients more control in the execution of a research project by involving them in the development of this tool and its corresponding evaluation and implementation plan.
This thesis is primarily set up with the aim to design and test a web-based communication tool. The tool aims to support (out-) patients with their conversational contributions during their consultations in oncology care. The secondary aim was to examine the feasibility of granting patients more control in the execution of a research project by involving them in the development of this tool and its corresponding evaluation and implementation plan.