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Professionalization of Dutch PRGs and volume and costs of frequently prescribed drugs.

Dijk, L. van, Bakker, D.H. de. Professionalization of Dutch PRGs and volume and costs of frequently prescribed drugs. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften: 2002, 10(4), p. 292-304.
This article examines professionality of Dutch Peer Review Groups (PRGs) and its relationship with volume and costs of
frequently prescribed drugs. Data collected in a written survey in 1999 from 618 out of 835 PRGs showed that most
PRGs in the Netherlands function in an informal way and that only a minority formulates, audits and evaluates agreements on how to prescribe. For 85 PRGs additional data on prescription were collected from four health insurance
companies. Three groups of drugs were studied: benzodiazepines, gastrointestinal drugs and respiratory tract drugs. Analyses showed that GPs in highly professionalized PRGs dit not prescribe less and cheaper. However, variation between GPs was lower with highly professionalized PRGs, meaning that prescription behaviour of participants was more alike. To improve the professionality of PRGs three methods are recommended all referring to intensifying peer group reviewing. (aut.ref.)