CEO; professor 'Patient safety' at VU University / Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands
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Progress in the implementation of Quality Management in Dutch health care: 1995-2000.
Sluijs, E.M., Wagner, C. Progress in the implementation of Quality Management in Dutch health care: 1995-2000. International Journal for Quality in Health Care: 2003, 15(3), p. 223-234.
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Objectives: Policymakers and researchers in all countries like to know whether the implementation of Quality Management (QM) in health care is proceeding satisfactorily. Longitudinal surveys can reveal whether sufficient progress is being made. The main objective of the study was to investigate the progress in QM in Dutch health care organizations during the period 1995-2000. A second objective was to explore whether the progress in QM was related to subsectors of care and/rr to cultural characteristics of health care organizations. Design and participants: The study has a descriptive longitudinal design, based on repeat measurements in 1995 and 2000. Empirical data about QM activities in health care organizations were gathered using a questionnaire. The analyses are based on data from the 474 health care organizations that participated in the study in 1995 and 2000. Setting: Participants in the study were organizations from all subsectors of health care, including prviders of home care, nursing homes, hospitals and other care sectors. Main outcome measures: Outcome measures are 46 districts QM activities, which were listed in the questionnaire. Results: Two-third of the organizations had made progress in the implementation of QM activities. A mean of 25 QM activities per organization was found in 2000 compared with 20 in 1995. More care providers had set up a client council and had carried out patient satisfaction surveys. Home care organizations had made twice as much progress as many other health care organizations. However, nearly one-third of the health care organizations showed a decline in QM activities. Patient organizations were less often involved in the development of quality criteria and protocols. Progress in QM was weakly related to the dedicated and flexible attitude of employees and a non-hierarchical decision-making structure. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the implementation of QM activities can be monitored at the national level and that differences between subsectors of care can be assessed. The decline in QM activities in one-third of the organizations needs to be researched further. (aut.ref.)
Objectives: Policymakers and researchers in all countries like to know whether the implementation of Quality Management (QM) in health care is proceeding satisfactorily. Longitudinal surveys can reveal whether sufficient progress is being made. The main objective of the study was to investigate the progress in QM in Dutch health care organizations during the period 1995-2000. A second objective was to explore whether the progress in QM was related to subsectors of care and/rr to cultural characteristics of health care organizations. Design and participants: The study has a descriptive longitudinal design, based on repeat measurements in 1995 and 2000. Empirical data about QM activities in health care organizations were gathered using a questionnaire. The analyses are based on data from the 474 health care organizations that participated in the study in 1995 and 2000. Setting: Participants in the study were organizations from all subsectors of health care, including prviders of home care, nursing homes, hospitals and other care sectors. Main outcome measures: Outcome measures are 46 districts QM activities, which were listed in the questionnaire. Results: Two-third of the organizations had made progress in the implementation of QM activities. A mean of 25 QM activities per organization was found in 2000 compared with 20 in 1995. More care providers had set up a client council and had carried out patient satisfaction surveys. Home care organizations had made twice as much progress as many other health care organizations. However, nearly one-third of the health care organizations showed a decline in QM activities. Patient organizations were less often involved in the development of quality criteria and protocols. Progress in QM was weakly related to the dedicated and flexible attitude of employees and a non-hierarchical decision-making structure. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the implementation of QM activities can be monitored at the national level and that differences between subsectors of care can be assessed. The decline in QM activities in one-third of the organizations needs to be researched further. (aut.ref.)