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Public and private responsibility for health: a comparative analysis of attitudes towards financing and the right for health care.

Abel, T., Zee, J. van der. Public and private responsibility for health: a comparative analysis of attitudes towards financing and the right for health care. In: G. Lüschen; W. Cockerham; J. van der Zee; F. Stevens; J. Diederiks; M.G. Ferrando; A. d' Houtaud; R. Peeters; T. Abel; S. Niemann. Health systems in the European Union: diversity, convergence, and integration. München: Oldenbourg, 1995. 113-126
The present study focuses on values that directly relate to issues of health care. It will observe
specific patterns of health values and compare their distribution across selected social groups
within and across four European nations. Studying these issues, new insights are expected into
Eurpean welfare integrationa and diversification. First, two issues are explored of who shouls be
called upon, when it comes to financing and to providing care and cure services. The second
question is whetherfree health care should be a right for everybody or the responsibility of every
individual. And third, people's attitude on private responsibility were examined with respect to
higher financial burdens for thosewith health risk behavior. On each of these of these issues the
primary interes is on intra-mation differentiation or convergence. To what degree will attitudes on
these three issures of responsibility vary by demographic and strafification characteristics in each
nation? Answers to the overall 15 sub-questions will provide us with a pricture of how the people in
Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, generally evaluate issues of responsibility for
health care, specifically when it comes to matters of public versus private responsibility. (aut.