Coordinator research program Learning Health System; endowed professor 'Transparency in healthcare from a patient perspective', Tranzo, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
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Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in the Netherlands in 2009.
Vriend, H.J., Koedijk, F.D.H., Broek, I.V.F. van den, Veen, M.G. van, Coul, E.L.M. Op de, Sighem, A.I. van, Verheij, R.A., Sande, M.A.B. van der. Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in the Netherlands in 2009. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2010. 106 p.
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Chlamydia: Chlamydia remains the sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosed most often among STI clinic attendees, with almost 10,000 new infections reported in 2009. Whilst there was an increase in the numbers of infections that occurred, the positivity rate remained stabile. Of the total heterosexual STI clinic attendees, 11 per cent had a chlamydia infection compared with 14 per cent in the group of heterosexuals younger than 25 years. Gonorrhoea. The number of gonorrhoea infections and the positivity rate has increased substantially compared with 2008. The main cause is the increase (28 percent) in gonorrhoea diagnoses in men having sex with men (MSM). In particular, the percentage of positive oral gonorrhoea tests among MSM increased. Notable here is the increase in gonorrhoea strains which are less sensitive to antibiotics. Syphilis: In 2009, the number of new diagnoses of syphilis decreased by 15 per cent compared with 2008. The percentage of positive tests also decreased. This decline is also visible in the long term trend. Syphilis in MSM accounted for 89 per cent of all syphilis diagnoses. HIV: There was again a slight decline in the number and proportion of positive HIV tests at the STI clinics. Since January 1st 2010, all STI clinic attendees have been tested for HIV, except those who explicitly refused, known as opting out testing. In 2009, 92 per cent of all STI clinic attendees who did not know their HIV status were tested for HIV. Among those MSM known to be HIV positive, 34 per cent were diagnosed with one or more STI in 2009. STI clinic attendees: In 2009, a total of 93,331 persons were tested at one of the STI clinics in the Netherlands. This was 6 per cent more than in 2008. There were especially more MSM who visited an STI clinic in 2009, an increase of 19 per cent compared with 2008. One or more STI was found in 13 per cent of the attendees (in 20 per cent of MSM and in 12 per cent of heterosexual attendees). These figures are comparable with previous years. (aut.ref.)
Chlamydia: Chlamydia remains the sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosed most often among STI clinic attendees, with almost 10,000 new infections reported in 2009. Whilst there was an increase in the numbers of infections that occurred, the positivity rate remained stabile. Of the total heterosexual STI clinic attendees, 11 per cent had a chlamydia infection compared with 14 per cent in the group of heterosexuals younger than 25 years. Gonorrhoea. The number of gonorrhoea infections and the positivity rate has increased substantially compared with 2008. The main cause is the increase (28 percent) in gonorrhoea diagnoses in men having sex with men (MSM). In particular, the percentage of positive oral gonorrhoea tests among MSM increased. Notable here is the increase in gonorrhoea strains which are less sensitive to antibiotics. Syphilis: In 2009, the number of new diagnoses of syphilis decreased by 15 per cent compared with 2008. The percentage of positive tests also decreased. This decline is also visible in the long term trend. Syphilis in MSM accounted for 89 per cent of all syphilis diagnoses. HIV: There was again a slight decline in the number and proportion of positive HIV tests at the STI clinics. Since January 1st 2010, all STI clinic attendees have been tested for HIV, except those who explicitly refused, known as opting out testing. In 2009, 92 per cent of all STI clinic attendees who did not know their HIV status were tested for HIV. Among those MSM known to be HIV positive, 34 per cent were diagnosed with one or more STI in 2009. STI clinic attendees: In 2009, a total of 93,331 persons were tested at one of the STI clinics in the Netherlands. This was 6 per cent more than in 2008. There were especially more MSM who visited an STI clinic in 2009, an increase of 19 per cent compared with 2008. One or more STI was found in 13 per cent of the attendees (in 20 per cent of MSM and in 12 per cent of heterosexual attendees). These figures are comparable with previous years. (aut.ref.)