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A study on the uptake and impact of the EU action plan on organ donation and transplantation (2009-2015) in the EU member states. FACTOR study.
Bouwman, R., Wiegers, T., Schoten, S. van, Coppen, R., Friele, R. A study on the uptake and impact of the EU action plan on organ donation and transplantation (2009-2015) in the EU member states. FACTOR study. Luxembourg: European Union, 2017. 458 p.
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The number of organ transplants in the EU increased by 17% between 2008 and 2015. A report written by research institute NIVEL shows that this increase occurred in the course of the Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation that ran from 2009 to 2015.
Why an EU action plan? Organ transplantation is crucial for the treatment of certain diseases. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of organ donors throughout Europe. Therefore, the European Union developed an action plan in 2009, the Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between Member States. This plan describes a number of action points that can help Member States to reduce the shortage of organ donors. In addition, the action points focus on the quality and safety of the procedures surrounding organ donation and transplantation.
Evaluation: 3 years after the start of the action plan, NIVEL evaluated the course of events with the ACTOR study. At this moment, 3 years later, NIVEL has finished the final evaluation of the action plan with the FACTOR study. It examined the state of play in the field of donor numbers and transplants in the EU, what efforts have been made to support the action plan and to what extent this plan has been implemented both at EU level and in individual EU Member States.
Why an EU action plan? Organ transplantation is crucial for the treatment of certain diseases. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of organ donors throughout Europe. Therefore, the European Union developed an action plan in 2009, the Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between Member States. This plan describes a number of action points that can help Member States to reduce the shortage of organ donors. In addition, the action points focus on the quality and safety of the procedures surrounding organ donation and transplantation.
Evaluation: 3 years after the start of the action plan, NIVEL evaluated the course of events with the ACTOR study. At this moment, 3 years later, NIVEL has finished the final evaluation of the action plan with the FACTOR study. It examined the state of play in the field of donor numbers and transplants in the EU, what efforts have been made to support the action plan and to what extent this plan has been implemented both at EU level and in individual EU Member States.