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Verzekerd met een chronische ziekte: een onderzoek naar ervaren problemen bij het afsluiten van verzekeringen door chronisch zieken in Nederland.

Rijken, M., Sanches, S., Heijmans, M. Verzekerd met een chronische ziekte: een onderzoek naar ervaren problemen bij het afsluiten van verzekeringen door chronisch zieken in Nederland. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2011, 89(8), p. 427-436.
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Being diagnosed with a chronic disease can be disadvantageous when people try to effect a personal insurance, such as a life insurance. This study assesses the extent to which people with chronic illness experience problems in effecting an insurance (for instance having to pay a higher premium, being excluded from part of the insurance, being refused). How often do these problems occur and how do people with chronic illness handle these problems? Data were collected in 2008 by means of a survey among a sample of 1,800 people with chronic illness who participated in a nationally representative panel study in the Netherlands, called National Panel of people with Chronic illness or Disability (NPCD). Part of the sample also participated in addional interviews by telephone in 2009. On average, about 10% of all people with chronic illness who (ever) tried to effect a specific insurance have experienced problems in effecting the insurance because of their chronic disease. Most problems occur when they tried to effect a life insurance connected with a mortgage. Especially people who had been diagnosed with a chronic disease at younger age and people with cardiovascular disease or diabetes report problems. Remarkably few people took (legal) advise when the insurance company asked for a health declaration. Awareness of one’s rights and duties can probably prevent part of the problems. (aut. ref.)