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Voorschrijfbevoegdheid voor verpleegkundigen: visies en verwachtingen van Nederlandse stakeholders.

Kroezen, M., Francke, A.L., Groenewegen, P.P., Dijk, L. van. Voorschrijfbevoegdheid voor verpleegkundigen: visies en verwachtingen van Nederlandse stakeholders. Verpleegkunde: 2012, 27(2), p. 10-16.
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In 2012, legislation will come into force in the Netherlands which permits registered nurse specialists and registered nurses to prescribe medications. The aim of this study was to provide insight into the views of Dutch stakeholders on the introduction of legally regulated nurse prescribing, the conditions under which nurses will prescribe and stakeholders' expectations for the future.

We conducted 13 semi-structured inter-views with representatives of nursing associations, medical associations and other relevant national parties in the field of nurse prescribing.

All interviewed parties agree that the cm-rent situation in which nurse prescribing is tolerated even though it is not legally regulated (Dutch: gedoogsituatie) is the main reason for introducing legally regulated nurse prescribing. Medica! associations are generally less positive about nurses' prescriptive authority compared to nursing organizations, and they differ in their views about the conditions under which nurses will prescribe.

Discussion and conclusion
Although all par-ties mention the current tolerance situation as the most important reason for the introduction of legally regulated nurse prescribing, this may stem from different ration-ales. To implement task substitution as smoothly as possible in practice, it is important that professional associations inform their members about the upcoming changes.