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Waardering voor en effecten van Salsa, een interculturele intervisiemethodiek voor verzorgenden in de thuiszorg.

Graaff, F.M. de, Francke, A.L. Waardering voor en effecten van Salsa, een interculturele intervisiemethodiek voor verzorgenden in de thuiszorg. Verpleegkunde: 2005, 20(1), 18-28
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Aim: The aim of this pilot study was to obtain a first indication of the effects of peerclinical supervision of professional caregivers of immigrant clients. It concerns the co-called 'Salsa-supervision method' developed by a 'Dutch organisation to teach caregivers how to cope with differences in attitudes and values and how to reflect on working experiences in order to tailor the provided care to the needs of the recipients, the immigrant patients. Method: The effects on attitude, communication and experienced workload were determined by comparing the answers of the caregivers to questionnaires that they completed before and after the clinical supervision. Finding: The pilots study indicates that caregivers appreciated the 'Salsa-supervision method' that their opinion about immigrant patients did not change significantly, that the communication improved slightlty and that the experienced workload was not altered by the clinical supervision. Discussion: Even though the size of the pilot was limited and few items showed a significant change before and after intervention, some cautious conclusions can be drawn. Caregivers value ' Salsa' because this method is based on learning from their own experiences. As a result of 'Salsa' caregivers appear to be less concerned about the general characteristics and specific wishes of immigrant patients. Additionally caregivers have a lower opinion of their own skills than they did before the intervention. They become more interested in the use of interpreters and consultation. Conclusion: After the 'Salsa' intervention caregivers focus more on their own skills and capabilities and less on the general characteristics of immigrant clients. (aut.ref.)