Coordinator research program Professions in Healthcare and Manpower Planning; endowed professor 'Health workforce and organisation studies', Radboud University, the Netherlands
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What makes end-user training successful? A mixed method study of a business process management system implementation.
Waal, B.M.E. de, Batenburg, R. What makes end-user training successful? A mixed method study of a business process management system implementation. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning: 2012, 8(1/2), p. 166-183.
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Under what conditions is end-user training (EUT) as part of the implementation of a business process management (BPM) system successful? This question is addressed in this paper. Based on the literature on EUT and implementation success, we first argue that user involvement with, and attitude towards, a BPM system, both have a conditional effect on the relationship between EUT and the implementation success of the system. Secondly, we investigated this expectation empirically, by measuring the practice of EUT as perceived by end-users. Using a mixed method approach, survey data was collected from 143 end-users of a BPM system in a large Dutch social insurance organisation, and by 49 additional semi-structured interviews. Regression analysis of the survey data shows that attitude variables indeed have a significant moderating influence on implementation success. In addition, the interviews revealed that specific attention must be paid to the arrangements for EUT when deploying BPM systems in this type of organisations. Arguments are given for a more comprehensive way of measuring and optimising EUT during the implementation of information systems/information technology in organisations. (aut. ref.)
Under what conditions is end-user training (EUT) as part of the implementation of a business process management (BPM) system successful? This question is addressed in this paper. Based on the literature on EUT and implementation success, we first argue that user involvement with, and attitude towards, a BPM system, both have a conditional effect on the relationship between EUT and the implementation success of the system. Secondly, we investigated this expectation empirically, by measuring the practice of EUT as perceived by end-users. Using a mixed method approach, survey data was collected from 143 end-users of a BPM system in a large Dutch social insurance organisation, and by 49 additional semi-structured interviews. Regression analysis of the survey data shows that attitude variables indeed have a significant moderating influence on implementation success. In addition, the interviews revealed that specific attention must be paid to the arrangements for EUT when deploying BPM systems in this type of organisations. Arguments are given for a more comprehensive way of measuring and optimising EUT during the implementation of information systems/information technology in organisations. (aut. ref.)