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Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: a review of the literature.

Groenewegen, P.P., Hutten, J.B.F. Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: a review of the literature. Social Science & Medicine: 1991, 32(10), p. 1111-1119.
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The workload of general practitioners (GPs) is an important issue in health care systems with capitation payment for GPs services. This article reviews the literature on determinants and consequences of workload and job satisfaction of GPs. Determinants of workload are located on the demand side (list size and composition of the patient population) and the supply side (organization of the practice and personal characteristics of the GP). The effects of workload and job satisfaction on workstyle and quality of work have been reviewed. The length of consultations or booking intervals seems to be an important restriction for workstyle and quality of work. (aut. ref.)