
Toegankelijkheid van digitale zorg: signalen uit de E-healthmonitor 2023.

Tuyl, L. van, Keuper, J., Standaar, L., Alblas, E., Keij, B. Toegankelijkheid van digitale zorg: signalen uit de E-healthmonitor 2023. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2025, 103(1 suppl.), p. 3-7

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Digitalisation and technological innovations are playing an increasingly prominent role in healthcare. The use of digital technologies in healthcare, also known as e‑health or digital care, has the potential to improve accessibility, efficiency and quality of care. To realise the potential of digital care, it is essential to ensure that these technologies are accessible to as many residents as possible. Recent national data from the 2023 E‑health Monitor show that there is still room for improvement regarding these aspects.