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Sempértegui, G.A., Baliatsas, C., Knipscheer, J.W., Bekker, M.H.J. Depression among Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations in Northwestern Europe: a systematic review of prevalence and correlates. BMC Psychiatry: 2023, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 402.
Flinterman, L., González-González, A.I., Seils, L., Bes, J., Ballester, M., Bañeres, J., Dan, S., Domagala, A., Dubas-Jakóbczyk, K., Likic, R., Kroezen, M., Batenburg, R. Characteristics of medical deserts and approaches to mitigate their health workforce issues: a scoping review of empirical studies in western countries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management: 2023, 23(1), p. 1-16.
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Deng, S., Guo, L., Cohen, C., Meijer, A., Moyes, J., Pasittungskul, S., Poovorawan, Y., Teirlink, A., Boven, M. van, Wanlapakorn, N., Wolter, N., Paget, J., Nair, H., Li, Y. Impact of subgroup distribution on seasonality of human respiratory syncytial virus: a global systematic analysis. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S25-S33.
Del Riccio, M., Spreeuwenberg, P., Osei-Yeboah, R., Johannesen, C.K., Vazquez Fernandez, L., Teirlinck, A.C., Wang, X., Heikkinen, T., Bangert, M., Caini, S., Campbell, H., Paget, J. Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in the European Union: estimation of RSV-associated hospitalizations in children under 5 years. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2023, 228(11), p. 1528-1538.
Osei-Yeboah, R., Spreeuwenberg, P., Del Riccio, M., Fischer, T.K., Egeskov-Cavling, A.M., Bøås, H., Boven, M. van, Wang, X., Lehtonen, T., Bangert, M., Campbell, H., Paget, J. Estimation of the number of RSV-associated hospitalisations in adults in the European Union. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2023, 228(11), p. 1539-1548.
Schackmann, L., Copinga, M., Vervloet, M., Crutzen, S., Loon, E. van, Sterkenburg, P.S., Taxis, K., Dijk, L. van. Exploration of the effects of an innovative mentalization-based training on patient-centred communication skills of pharmacy staff: a video-observation study. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 114, p. Art. 107803.
Reifels, L., Dückers, M.L.A. Disaster mental health risk reduction: appraising disaster mental health research as if risk mattered. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2023, 20(11), p. Art. nr. 5923. This article belongs to the Special Issue Disaster Mental Health Risk Reduction
Assing Hvidt, E., Atherton, H., Keuper, J., Kristiansen, E., Lüchau, E.C., Lønnebakke Norberg, B., Steinhäuser, J., Heuvel, J. van den, Tuyl, L. van. Low adoption of video consultations in post-COVID-19 general practice in northern Europe: barriers to use and potential action points. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2023, 25, p. e47173.
Batenburg, R., Groenewegen, P. Position paper. moving forward after the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned in primary care. Brussels: European Society for Quality and Safety in Familiy Practice, 2023. 5 p.
Dros, J.T., Dijk, C.E. van, Bos, I., Meijer, W.M., Chorus, A., Miedema, H., Veenhof, C., Arslan, I.G., Meijboom, B.R., Verheij, R.A. Healthcare utilization patterns for knee or hip osteoarthritis before and after changes in national health insurance coverage: a data linkage study. Health Policy: 2023, 133, p. Art. nr. 104825.
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Dijk, L.M. van, Eikenhorst, L. van, Karapinar-Çarkit, F., Wagner, C. Patient participation during discharge medication counselling: observing real-life communication between healthcare professionals and patients. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy: 2023, 19(8), p. 1228-1235.
Staadegaard, L., Del Riccio, M., Wiegersma, S., El Guerche-Séblain, C., Dueger, E., Akçay, M., Casalegno, J.S., Dückers, M., Caini, S., Paget, J. The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on global influenza surveillance: insights from 18 National Influenza Centers based on a survey conducted between November 2021 and March 2022. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2023, 17(5), p. Art. nr. e13140.
Andrew, M.K., Pott, H., Staadegaard, L., Paget, J., Chaves, S.S., Ortiz, J.R., McCauley, J., Bresee, J., Nunes, M.C., Baumeister, E., Raboni, S.M., Giamberardino, H.I.G., McNeil, S.A., Gomez, D., Zhang, T., Vanhems, P., Koul, P.A., Coulibaly, D., Otieno, N.A., Dbaibo, G., Guerrero Almeida, M.L., Laguna-Torres, V.A., Drăgănescu, A.C., Burtseva, E., Sominina, A., Danilenko, D., Medić, S., Diez-Domingo, J., Lina, B. Age differences in comorbidities, presenting symptoms, and outcomes of influenza illness requiring hospitalization: a worldwide perspective from the global influenza hospital surveillance network. Open Forum Infectious Diseases: 2023, 10(6), p. Art. nr. ofad244.
Kitselaar, W.M., Büchner, F.L., Vaart, R. van der, Sutch, S.P., Bennis, F.C., Evers, A.W., Numans, M.E. Early identification of persistent somatic symptoms in primary care: data-driven and theory-driven predictive modelling based on electronic medical records of Dutch general practices. BMJ Open: 2023, 13(5), p. Art. nr. e066183.
Uden, R.C.A.E. van, Bakker, M.A., Joosten, S.G.L., Meijer, K., Bemt, P.M.L.A. van den, Becker, M.L., Vervloet, M. Implementation of a patient questionnaire in community pharmacies to improve care for patients using combined antithrombotic therapy: a qualitative study. Pharmacy: 2023, 11(3), p. Art. nr. 80.
Holtedahl, K., Brogquist, L., Donker, G.A., Buntinx, F., Weller, D., Campbell, C., Mansson, J., Hammersley, V., Braaten, T., Parjuli, R. Symptoms and signs of urogenital cancer in primary care. BMC Primary Care: 2023, 24(1)
Dorst, J.J.I.E., Schwenke, M., Bleijenberg, N., Jong, J.D. de, Brabers, A.A.E.M., Zwakhalen, S.M.G. Defining practice variation and exploring influencing factors on needs assessment in home care nursing: a Delphi study. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2023, 79(9), p. 3426-3439.
Hoorn, M.M.C. van der, Kalkman, G.A., Weesie, Y.M., Atsma, F., Schellekens, A. Psychiatric risk factors for chronic high-dose opioid prescribing: register-based cohort study. BJPsych open: 2023, 9(3), p. Art. nr. e74.
Groenewegen, P., Timans, R. Commercial chains in general practice. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 8 p.
Visscher, B. Towards tailored medication self-management: Needs of and support for patients with limited health literacy Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 178 p.
Dijk, L. van, Prinsen, D., Slager, M., Vervloet, M., Koster, E. Annual medication consultation among direct-acting oral anticoagulant users in the pharmacy refill service: experiences of pharmacy staff and patients. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2023, 45, p. 525. Abstract 597 13th PCNE Working Conference “Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice”, 8-11th February 2023, Hilleroed, Denmark
Steeg-van Gompel, C. van de, Vervloet, M., Hogervorst, S., Koster, E., Janssen, R., Dijk, L. van. Implementing adherence interventions in real world settings requires use of multiple implementation strategies: worskhop with interventionists. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2023, 45, p. 527. Abstract 602 of the 13th PCNE Working Conference ‘‘Pharmacies’ new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice’,
Hogervorst, S., Adriaanse, M., Vervloet, M., Teichert, M., Dijk, L. van. The implementation of clinical medication reviews in community pharmacies within a multidisciplinary setting: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2023, 45, p. 524. Abstract 595 of the 13th PCNE Working Conference “Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice”, 8-11th February, Hilleroed, Denmark
Rechel, B., Tille, F., Groenewegen, P., Timans, R., Fattore, G., Rohrer-Herold, K., Rajan, D., Lopes, S. Private equity investment in Europe's primary care sector-a call for research and policy action. European Journal of Public Health: 2023, 33(3), p. 354-355.
Rijpkema, C., Ramerman, L., Homburg, T.M., Meijer, E., Muris, J.W.M., olde Hartman, T.C., Berger, M.Y., Peters, L.L., Verheij, R.A. Care by general practitioners for patients with asthma or COPD during the COVID-19 pandemic. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine: 2023, 33(1), p. Art. nr. 15.
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Schackmann, L., Vervloet, M., Dijk, L. van, Heringa, M., Koster, E.S. Communication during encounters about medication switching: self-reported experiences of pharmacy technicians and patients. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy: 2023, 9, p. Art. nr. 100259.
Keuper, J., Batenburg, R., Tuyl, L. van, Verheij, R. General practices’ experiences with patients' web-based access to medical records: survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2023, 25(4), p. Art. nr. e41832.
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Schouten, A.E.M., Mentink, M.D.C., Timmer-Bonte, J.A.N.H., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Perspectives and attitudes of Dutch healthcare professionals regarding the integration of complementary medicine in oncology. Integrative Cancer Therapies: 2023, 22
Teirlinck, A.C., Johannesen, C.K., Broberg, E.K., Penttinen, P., Campbell, H., Nair, H., Reeves, R.M., Bøås, H., Brytting, M., Cai, W., Carnahan, A.S., Casalegno, J.S., Danis, K., De Gascun, C., Ellis, J., Emborg, H.D., Gijon, M., Guiomar, R., Hirve, S.S., Jiřincová, H., Nohynek, H., Oliva, J.A., Osei-Yeboah, R., Paget, J., Pakarna, G., Pebody, R., Presser, L., Rapp, M., Reiche, J., Rodrigues, A.P., Seppälä, E., Socan, M., Szymanski, K., Trebbien, R., Večeřová, J., Werf, S. van der, Zambon, M., Meijer, A., Fischer, T.K. New perspectives on respiratory syncytial virus surveillance at the national level: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. European Respiratory Journal: 2023, 61(4), p. Art. nr. 2201569.
Dulmen, S. van. Patient experiences and provider perspectives on genital surgery on young children with DSD. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109(Suppl. S), p. 123. Meeting abstract
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