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Heuvel. L. van, Caini, S., Dückers, M., Paget, J. Influenza vaccination and antimicrobial resistance: strategic recommendations. Utrecht: Nivel, 2021. 41 p.
Hansen, J., Haarmann, A., Groenewegen, P., Azzopardi Muscat, N., Tomaselli, G., Poldrugovac, M. What are the key priority areas where European health systems can learn from each other? Policy Brief 41. Health systems and policy analysis. Copenhagen: WHO, 2021. 39 p. p.
Nolte, E., Groenewegen, P. How can we transfer service and policy innovations between health systems? Policy Brief 40. Health systems and policy analysis. Copenhagen: WHO, 2021. 30 p.
Heuckelum, M. van, Ende, C.H.M. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den. Electronic monitoring feedback for improving medication adherence and clinical outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized clinical trial. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2021, 15, p. 1107-1119.
Pijpers, R., Beek, S. van. Commentary. The importance of social ties in later life. International Psychogeriatrics: 2021, 33(3), p. 445-447.
Smissen, D. van der, Rietjens, J.A.C., Gemert-Pijnen, L. van, Dulmen, S. van, Heide, A. van der, Korfage, I.J. Information needs of patients with chronic diseases and their relatives for web-based advance care planning: a qualitative interview study. BMC Palliative Care: 2021, 20(1), p. Art. nr. 77.
Caini, S., Paget, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Korevaar, J., Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M. Impact of influenza vaccination in the Netherlands, 2007-2016: vaccinees consult their general practitioner for clinically diagnosed influenza, acute respiratory infections, and pneumonia more often than non-vaccinees. PLoS One: 2021
Tichelman, E., Warmink-Perdijk, W., Henrichs, J., Peters, L., Schellevis, F.G., Berger, M.Y., Burger, H. Intrapartum synthetic oxytocin, behavioral and emotional problems in children, and the role of postnatal depressive symptoms, postnatal anxiety and mother-to-infant bonding: a Dutch prospective cohort study. Midwifery: 2021, 200, p. Art. nr. 103045.
Maghroudi, E., Hooijdonk, C.M.J. van, Bruinhorst, H. van de, Dijk, L. van, Rademakers, J., Borgsteede, S.D. The impact of textual elements on the comprehensibility of drug label instructions (DLIs): a systematic review. PLoS One: 2021, 16(5), p. e0250238.
Vliet, L.M. van, Noordman, J., Mijnlieff, M., Roodbeen, R., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Health literacy, information provision and satisfaction in advanced cancer consultations: two observational studies using level of education as a proxy. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care: 2021
Hahnraths, M.T.H., Heijmans, M., Bollweg, T.M., Okan, O., Willeboordse, M., Rademakers, J.J.D.J.M. Measuring and exploring children’s health literacy in the Netherlands: translation and adaptation of the HLS-Child-Q15. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2021, 18(10)
Rizzo, C., Loconsole, D., Pandolfi, E., Ciofi Degli Atti, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J., Russo, L., Campagna, I., Croci, I., Gesualdo, F., Concato, C., Linardos, G., Bartolucci, V., Ciampini, S., Onetti Muda, A., Raponi, M., Chironna, M. Sars-Cov2 not detected in a pediatric population with acute respiratory infection in primary care in Central and Southern Italy from November 2019 to early March 2020. Frontiers in Pediatrics: 2021, 9, p. Art. nr. 620598.
Huygens, M.W.J., Voogdt-Pruis, H.R., Wouters, M., Meurs, M.M., Lettow, B. van, Kleijweg, C., Friele, R.D. The uptake and use of telemonitoring in chronic care between 2014 and 2019: nationwide survey among patients and healthcare professionals in the Netherlands. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2021, 23(5)
Dankers, M., Nelissen-Vrancken, M.H.J.M.G., Hart, B.H., Lambooij, A.C., Dijk, L. van, Mantel-Teeuwisse, A.K. Alignment between outcomes and minimal clinically important differences in the Dutch type 2 diabetes mellitus guideline and healthcare professionals’ preferences. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives: 2021, 9(3), p. e00750.
Groot, K. de, Sneep, E.B. de, Paans, W., Francke, A.L. Patient participation in electronic nursing documentation: an interview study among community nurses. BMC Nursing: 2021, 20(1)
Zoonen, E.E. van, Baar, M.E. van, Schie, C.H.M. van, Koppes, L.L.J., Verheij, R.A. Burn injuries in primary care in the Netherlands: risk factors and trends. Burns: 2022, 48(2), p. 440-447.
Lim, M.T., Ong, S.M., Tong, S.F., Groenewegen, P., Sivasampu, S. Comparison between primary care service delivery in Malaysia and other participating countries of the QUALICOPC project: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open: 2021, 11(5), p. e047126.
Hopstaken, J.S., Dalen, D. van, Kolk, B.M. van der, Geenen, E.J.M. van, Hermans, J.J., Gootjes, E.C., Schers, H.J., Dulmen, A.M. van, Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van, Stommel, M.W.J. Continuity of care experienced by patients in a multi-institutional pancreatic care network: a pilot study. BMC Health Services Research: 2021, 21(1), p. Art. nr. 416.
Terlinck, A.C., Broberg, E.K., Stuwitz Berg, A., Campbell, H., Reeves, R.M., Carnahan, A., Lina, B., Pakama, G., Bøås, H., Nohynek, H., Emborg, H.D., Nair, H., Reiche, J., Oliva, J.A., Gorman, J.O., Paget, J., Szymanski, K., Danis, K., Socan, M., Gijon, M., Rapp, M., Havlickova, M., Trebbien, R., Guiomar, R., Hirve, S.S., Buda, S., Werf, S. van der, Meijer, A., Fischer, T.K. Recommendations for respiratory syncytial virus surveillance at national level. European Respiratory Journal: 2021, 58(3)
Staadegaard, L., Meijer, A., Rodrigues, A.P., Huang, S., Cohen, C., Demont, C., Summeren, J. van, Caini, S., Paget, J. Temporal variations in respiratory syncytial virus epidemics, by virus subtype, 4 countries. Emerging Infectious Diseases: 2021, 27(5)
Staadegaard, L., Caini, S., Wangchuk, S., Thapa, B., Aparecida Ferreira de Ameida, W., Cotrim de Carvalho, F., Njouom, R., Fasce, R.A., Bustos, P., Kyncl, J., Novakova, L., Bruno Caicedo, A., de Mora Coloma, D.J., Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M., Huang, S., Wood, T., Guiomar, R., Rodrigues, A.P., Danilenko, D., Stolyarov, K., Jian Ming Lee, V., Wei Ang, L., Cohen, C., Moyes, J., Larrauri, A., Delgado-Sanz, C., Quynh Le, M., Vu Mai Hoang, P., Demont, C., Bangert, M., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M., Paget, J. The global epidemiology of RSV in community and hospitalized care: findings from 15 countries. Open Forum Infectious Diseases: 2021, 8(7), p. ofab159.
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Wezel, N. van, Heide, I. van der, Devillé, W.L.J.M., Duran, G., Hoopman, R., Blom, M.M., Pot, A.M., Spreeuwenberg, P., Francke, A.L. The Turkish version of the SPPIC validated among informal caregivers with a Turkish immigrant background. BMC Geriatrics: 2021, 21(1), p. Art. nr. 284.
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Stobbe, E.J., Groenewegen, P.P., Schäfer, W. Job satisfaction of general practitioners: a cross-sectional survey in 34 countries. Human Resources for Health: 2021, 19(1), p. Art. nr. 57.
Jansen, T., Hek, K., Schellevis, F., Kunst, A.E., Verheij, R.A. Income-related differences in out-of-hours primary care telephone triage: using national registration data. Emergency Medicine Journal: 2021, 38(6), p. 460-466.
Qi, W., Abu-Hanna, A., Esch, T.E.M. van, Beurs, D. de, Liu, Y., Flinterman, L.E., Schut, M.C. Explaining heterogeneity of individualized treatment causal effects by subgroup discovery: an observational case study in antibiotics treatment of acute rhino-sinusitis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 2021, 116(102080)
Bakker, E.J.M., Roelofs, P.D.D.M., Kox, J.H.A.M., Miedema, H.S., Francke, A.L., Beek, A.J. van der, Boot, C.R.L. Psychosocial work characteristics associated with distress and intention to leave nursing education among students; A one-year follow-up study. Nurse Education Today: 2021, 101, p. 104853.
Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Velthuizen, M.E., Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C. van den, Engelen, K. van, Collée, M., Dalen, T. van, Aalfs, C.M., Hooning, M.J., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Fransen, M.P., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Effect of a health literacy training program for surgical oncologists and specialized nurses on disparities in referral to breast cancer genetic testing. The Breast: 2021, 58, p. 80-87.
Dückers, M. Capturing intervention in its context: the next frontier in disaster response evaluation and scale-up planning. Intervention: 2021, 19(1), p. 4-14.
Schouten, B., Merten, H., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Nanayakkara, P.W.B., Wagner, C. The incidence and preventability of adverse events in older acutely admitted patients: a longitudinal study with 4292 patient records. Journal of Patient Safety: 2021, 17(3), p.166-173.
Kocevska, D., Lysen, T.S., Dotinga, A., Koopman-Verhoeff, M.E., Luijk, M.P.C.M., Antypa, N., Biermasz, N.R., Blokstra, A., Brug, J., Burk, W.J., Comijs, H.C., Corpeleijn, E., Dashti, H.S., Bruin, E.J. de, Graaf, R. de, Derks, I.P.M., Dewald-Kaufmann, J.F., Elders, P.J.M., Gemke, R.J.B.J., Grievink, L., Hale, L., Hartman, C.A., Heijnen, C.J., Huisman, M., Huss, A., Ikram, M.A., Jones, S.E., Klein Velderman, M., Koning, M., Meijer, A.M., Meijer, K., Noordam, R., Oldehinkel, A.J., Oude Groeniger, J., Penninx, B.W.J.H., Picavet, H.S.J., Pieters, S., Reijneveld, S.A., Reitz, E., Renders, C.M., Rodenburg, G., Rutters, F., Smith, M.C., Singh, A.S., Snijder, M.B., Stronks, K., Have, M. ten, Twisk, J.W.R., Mheen, D. van de, Ende, J. van der, Heijden, K.B. van, Velden, P.G. van der, Lenthe, F. van, Litsenburg, R.R.L. van, Oostrom, S.H. van, Schalkwijk, F.J. van, Sheehan, C.M., Verheij, R.A., Verhulst, F.C., Vermeulen, M.C.M., Vermeulen, R.C.H., Verschuren, M.W.M., Vrijkotte, T.G.M., Wijga, A.H., Willemen, A.M., Wolbeek, M. ter, Wood, A.R., Xerxa, Y., Bramer, W.M., Franco, O.H., Luik, A.I., Someren, E.J. W. van, Tiemeier, H. Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nature Human Behaviour: 2021, 5(1), p. 113-122.
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