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Maaren, M.C. van, Hoeve, J.C. van, Korevaar, J.C., Hezewijk, M. van, Siemerink, E.J.M., Zeilllemaker, A.M., Klaassen-Dekker, A., Uden, D.J.P. van, Volders, J.H., Drossaert, C.H.C., Siesling, S., Knottnerus, B. The effectiveness of personalised surveillance and aftercare in breast cancer follow-up: a systematic review. Supportive Care in Cancer: 2024, 32(5), p. Art. nr. 232.
Lieffering, A.S., Ramerman, L., Verheij, R.A., Rakhorst, H.A., Mureau, M.A.M., Hulst, R.W.J. van der, Hommes, J.E. Medical specialist care utilization prior to the explantation of cosmetic silicone breast implants: a nation-wide retrospective data linkage study. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: 2024, 48(21), p. 4404-4413.
Pinho, X., Meijer, W., Graaf, A. de. Deriving treatment decision support from Dutch electronic health records by exploring the applicability of a precision cohort–based procedure for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: precision cohort study. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics: 2024, 16, p. Art. nr. e51092.
Bosmans, J.E., Heide, I. van der, Hout, P.J. van, Joling, K.J. Costs of care trajectories of people with dementia compared with matched controls. Longitudinal analysis of linked health and administrative data. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: 2024, 39(5), p. e6094.
Oud, F.M.M., Meulman, M.D., Merten, H., Wagner, C., Munster, B.C. van. Value of the Safety Management System (VMS) frailty instrument as a frailty screener in care for older hospital patients: a systematic review. European Geriatric Medicine: 2024
Vis, E. Chronic conditions and informal social capital: mediators and moderators in different contexts. Nijmegen: RUN, 2024. 182 p. Proefschrift van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Oorschot, F. van, Brouwers, M., Muris, J., Veen, M., Timmerman, A., Dulmen, S. van. How does guided group reflection work to support professional identity formation in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review. Medical Teacher: 2025, 47, p. 425–435.
Del Riccio, M., Caini, S., Bonaccorsi, G., Lorini, C., Paget, J., Velden, K. van der, Meijer, A., Haag, M., McGovern, I., Zanobini, P. Global analysis of respiratory viral circulation and timing of epidemics in the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 pandemic eras, based on data from the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS). International Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 144, p. Art. nr. 107052.
Zonneveld, E., Rademakers, J., Schelven, F. van, Boeije, H. When life changes: use and effects of behavioral coping strategies among relatives of people with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities: 2024, 1(11)
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Pandolfi, E., Loconsole, D., Chironna, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J., Raponi, M., Russo, L., Campagna, I., Croci, I., Concato, C., Perno, C.F., Tozzi, A.E., Linardos, G., Bartolucci, V., Ciampini, S., Onetti Muda, A., De Angelis, L., Ciofi Degli Atti, M.L., Rizzo, C. Pre-COVID-19-pandemic RSV epidemiology and clinical burden in pediatric primary care in Italy: a comparative analysis across two regions for the 2019/2020 season. BMC Infectious Diseases: 2024, 24(1), p. Art. nr. 388.
Caini, S., Casalegno, J.S., Rodrigues, A.P., Lee, V., Cohen, C., Huang, Q.S., Caicedo, A.B., Teirlinck, A., Guiomar, R., Ang, L.W., Moyes, J., Wood, T., de Mora, D., Bangert, M., Kramer, R., Staadegaard, L., Heemskerk, S., Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Paget, J. Change in age profile of respiratory syncytial virus disease over the course of annual epidemics: a multi-national study. Journal of Infection: 2024, 88(5), p. Art. nr. 106154.
Paget, J., Chaves, S.S., Li, Y., Nair, H., Spreeuwenberg, P. Revisiting influenza-hospitalisation estimates from the Burden of Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease (BIRD) project using different extrapolation methods. Journal of Global Health: 2024
Olde Wolsink-van Harlingen, A., Groen-van de Ven, L., Vissers, K., Hasselaar, J., Jukema, J., Uitdehaag, M. Challenges to exploring the patient perspective in palliative care conversations: a qualitative study among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure patients and their health care professionals. Palliative Medicine Reports: 2024, 5(1), p. 150-161.
Müskens, J.L.J.M., Dulmen, S.A. van, Hek, K., Westert, G.P., Kool, R.B. Low-value chronic prescription of acid reducing medication among Dutch general practitioners: impact of a patient education intervention. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 106.
Wit, R.F., Veer, A.J.E. de, Groot, K. de, Batenburg, R., Francke, A.L. Task shifting in Dutch nursing practice: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of nurses' experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2024, 80(11), p. 4593-4602.
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Laniece Delaunay, C., Martínez-Baz, I., Sève, N., Domegan, L., Mazagatos, C., Buda, S., Meijer, A., Kislaya, I., Pascu, C., Carnahan, A., Oroszi, B., Ilić, M., Maurel, M., Melo, A., Sandonis Martín, V., Trobajo-Sanmartín, C., Enouf, V., McKenna, A., Pérez-Gimeno, G., Goerlitz, L., Lange, M. de, Rodrigues, A.P., Lazar, M., Latorre-Margalef, N., Túri, G., Castilla, J., Falchi, A., Bennett, C., Gallardo, V., Dürrwald, R., Eggink, D., Guiomar, R., Popescu, R., Riess, M., Horváth, J.K., Casado, I., del Carmen Carcía, M., Hooiveld, M., Machado, A., Bacci, S., Kaczmarek, M., Kissling, E. COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 BA.1/BA.2 lineages among adults and adolescents in a multicentre primary care study, Europe, December 2021 to June 2022. Eurosurveillance: 2024, 29(13)
Bosch, S.C.V. van den, Dalen, D. van, Meinders, M., Goor, H. van, Aa, M.A. van der, Stommel, M., Dulmen, S. van. Outpatient video visits during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional survey study of patients' experiences and characteristics. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2024, 26, p. Art. nr. e49058.
Eggermont, D., Kunst, A.E., Groenewegen, P.P., Verheij, R.A. Social concordance and patient reported experiences in countries with different gender equality: a multinational survey. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 97.
Scheffer, M., Menting, J., Boeije, H., Nispen, R. van, Dulmen, S. van. Understanding healthcare communication in age-related macular degeneration care: a mixed-methods review of patients' perspectives. Survey of Ophthalomology: 2024, 69(4), p. 646-660.
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Veer, A.J.E. de, Voss, H., Francke, A.L., Man, Y. de. Improvement of palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities: a multi-site evaluation. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities: 2024, 37(3), p. Art. nr. e13223.
Noordam, D., Noordman, J., Braak, G. van den, Visee, H., Bakker, A., Batenburg, R., Olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision-making in undergraduate nursing and medical education: an explorative dual-method study . Patient Education and Counseling: 2024, 123, p. Art. nr. 108246.
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Schouten, B., Baartmans, M., Eikenhorst, L. van, Gerritsen, G.P., Merten, H., Schoten, S. van, Nanayakkara, P.W.B., Wagner, C. Fatal adverse events in femoral neck fracture patients undergoing hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective record review study in a nationwide sample of deceased patients. Journal of Patient Safety: 2024, 20(5), p. Art. nr. e59-e72.
Portegijs, S., Beek, A.P.A. van, Tuyl, L.H.D. van, Wagner, C. Implementing a new living concept for persons with dementia in long-term care: evaluation of a quality improvement process BMC Health Services Research: 2024, 24(1), p. Art. nr. 306.
Schelven, F. van, Weele, M. van, Meulen, E. van der, Wessels, E., Boeije, H. Patient and public involvement in the development of the digital tool MyBoT to support communication between young people with a chronic condition and care providers. Health Expectations: 2024, 27(2), p. Art. nr. e14003.
Poukka, E., Roekel, C. van, Turunen, T., Baum, U., Kramer, R., Begier, E., Presser, L., Teirlinck, A., Heikkinen, T., Knol, M., Nohynek, H., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M. Effectiveness of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus: generic protocol for register-based cohort study. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S84–S91.
Roekel, C. van, Poukka, E., Turunen, T., Nohynek, H., Presser, L., Meijer, A., Heikkinen, T., Kramer, R., Begier, E., Teirlinck, A., Knol, M., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M. Effectiveness of immunization products against medically attended respiratory syncytial virus infection: generic
protocol for a test-negative case-control study. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S92-S99.
Maurel, M., Howard, J., Kissling, E., Pozo, F., Pérez-Gimeno, G., Buda, S., Sève, N., McKenna, A., Meijer, A., Rodrigues, A.P., Martínez-Baz, I., Mlinarić, I., Latorre-Margalef, N., Túri, G., Lazar, M., Mazagotos, C., Echeverria, A., Abela, S., Bourgeois, M., Machado, A., Dürrwald, R., Petrović, G., Oroszi, B., Jancoriene, L., Marin, A., Husa, P., Duffy, R., Dijkstra, F., Gallardo García, V., Goerlitz, L., Enouf, V., Bennett, C., Hooiveld, M., Guiomar, R., Trobago-Sanmartin, C., Višekruna Vučina, V., Samuelsson Hagey, T., Lameiras Azevedo, A.S., Castilla, J., Xuereb, G., Delaere, B., Gómez, V., Tolksdorf, K., Bacci, S., Nicolay, N., Kaczmarek, M., Mc Rose, A. Interim 2023/24 influenza A vaccine effectiveness: VEBIS European primary care and hospital multicentre studies, September 2023 to January 2024. Eurosurveillance: 2024, 29(8), p. e13243.
Scarpetti, G., Shadowen, H., Williams, G.A., Winkelmann, J., Kroneman, M., Groenewegen, P.P., Jong, J.D. de, Fronteira, I., Augusto, G.F., Hsiung, S., Slade, S., Rojatz, D., Kallayova, D., Katreniakova, Z., Nagyova, I., Kylänen, M., Vracko, P., Jesurasa, A., Wallace, Z., Costongs, C., Barnes, A.J., Ginneken, E. van. A comparison of social prescribing approaches across twelve high-income countries. Health Policy: 2024, 142, p. Art. nr. 104992.
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Beltran, J., Valli, C., Media-Aedo, M., Canelo-Aybar, C., Niño de Guzmán, E., Song, Y., Orrego, C., Ballester, M., Suñol, R., Noordman, J., Heijmans, M., Seitidis, G., Tsokani, S., Kontouli, K.M., Christogiannis, C., Mavridis, D., Graaf, G. de, Groene, O., Grammatikpoulou, M.G., Camalleres-Guillem, F., Perestelo-Perez, L., McGloin, H., Winkley, K., Mueller, B.S., Saz-Parkinson, Z., Corcoy, R., Alonso-Coello, P. COMPAR-EU recommendations on self-management interventions in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Healthcare: 2024, 12(4), p. Art. nr. 483.
Dubas-Jakóbczyk, K., González, A.I., Domagala, A., Atsma, F., Astier-Peña, M.P., Vicente, V.C., Planet, A.G., Quadrado, A., Serrano, R.M., Abellán, I.S., Ramos, A., Ballester, M., Seils, L., Dan, S.A., Flinterman, L., Likic, R., Batenburg, R. Medical deserts in Spain-Insights from an international project. International Journal of Health Planning and Management: 2024, 39(3), p. 708-721.
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