Research program Organisation and Quality of Healthcare

Lilian van Tuyl'In order to keep the Dutch healthcare accessible, affordable and of high quality - now and in the future - many initiatives have been started to organize it differently.
Within this research program we conduct research into these developments. In doing so, we take into account the perspectives of various stakeholders in healthcare: the patient, the healthcare provider and the organisation of healthcare.'

Points of focus 2022–2024Points of focus 2022–2024


  • The impact of advanced digitalisation of healthcare giving processes.
  • Task shifting or redistribution of tasks in care, taking into account the questions of cohesion, cooperation and broad employability.
  • Contributing to reducing the ecological footprint of care, including the changes in behaviour and organisation that this requires.
  • Patient safety or the continuous monitoring and management of risks in healthcare provision. In doing so we work together with Dutch hospitals and independent treatment clinics.

Our publications or our projectsOur publications or our projects

There are several ways to find the international publications and research projects relevant to this reseach program:

  • A good view of the international publications and projects specificly related to this research program you will find in the two drop-down litsts at the international profile page of the program coordinator.
  • All international publications and all current international projects of Nivel are listed together, in a chronological order (latest on top). You can enter a specific search term in the search field to find all publication(s) and all project(s) containing your search term.
  • Prominent publications and projects can be accompanied with a News item. These you will find in our News Archive (all, latest on top) and on this page at News (on the right).

Want to know more?Want to know more?

For more information on (conducting research together with Nivel in) this specific area of expertise, please feel free to contact our expert and program coordinator Lilian van Tuyl (on the right).
We look forward to getting in touch with you.


Tuyl, L. van. Research program Organisation and Quality of Healthcare. From: [Last update 12-February-2024; consulted on 09-March-2025]. URL: