About Nivel

Nivel, short for 'Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research', is an independent non-profit foundation which contributes to the quality and effectiveness of the Dutch healthcare system.

Nivel in two minutes

About Nivel as a scientific research institute:

HuisartsenpostNivel Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands

The Nivel Institute is located in Utrecht, a city in the middle of the country. Some insights:

  • Nivel employs about 170 people; 110 scientific researchers and 60 employees in research-related positions and positions related to operations.
  • In 2023, Nivel had a turnover of 16.6 million euros.
  • All research results of Nivel are publicly available on our websites (www.nivel.nl/publicaties and www.nivel.nl/en/publications): we aim our knowlegde to be widespread and easy to find.
  • Starting in 1965 as the scientific institute of the Dutch College of General Practitioners, Nivel's domain expanded gradually from GP care to primary care, secondary care and hospital care. Nowadays, Nivel's research covers the entire 'somatic' healthcare. Read more at Short history of Nivel.

Unique: covering the entire field of somatic healthcare

Nivel is unique, in the sense we offer knowledge regarding the entire field of somatic healthcare, not just specific fields. This allows us to combine knowledge gained in various subfields, resulting into new insights and knowledge. In doing so, we can really make a contribution to the improvement of healthcare.

Nivel-icon samenwerkenBringing worlds together

As the video shows, Nivel Institute positions itself on the crossroads of the scientific community, policymakers and the healthcare field (providers, insurance companies and patient organisations). Our motto is ‘bringing worlds together’. We are active in the multidisciplinary field of scientific research on how healthcare is affected by social factors, financing systems, organisational processes, health technology and personal behaviours. This includes the examination of the quality and costs of healthcare and of health and well-being in general.

Nivel icon togetherPartner in international research

Nivel is the only institute in the European region that is active in primary healthcare research. Projects are carried out in collaboration with European colleagues, for the European Commission, DG Health & Food Safety (SANTE) and the WHO (World Health Organization), among others.

About Nivel research in general:

Over ons onderzoekResearch for better care: our mission and core values

Research for better care is our mission. Our mission statement indicates how we forfill this mission: We carry out high quality health services research in the broadest sense, which has a demonstrable impact upon society.’
From out of this mission, we defined our core values: scientific quality and societal relevance and applied and applicable.

At Mission and values we show how we carry out our mission and its related core values.

Pijler 3: Innovaties in de zorg ten gevolge van coronaOur experts and our expertise

Our healthcare services research is organised in research programs and a research line covering the specific fields of expertise in healthcare research. Each research program and the research line has its own research team, lead by a coordinator or a head researcher, who is one of our experts: often a professor with extensive research experience in the field concerned. Through interacting and collaborating the different teams Nivel can answer more complex societal questions and challenges.

OrganisatieOrganisation structure

Nivel is a non-profit foundation. It has a Supervisory Board to supervise the way Nivel is lead. Nivel's internal organisational structure includes:

  • the Executive Board and Staff
  • Three research units in which research programs and a research line are featured: (1) Healthcare from the perspective of patients, clients ans citizens; (2) Primary Care; (3) Organisation and Management in Healthcare.
  • Research-related units where our professionals make sure our research can be conducted be making sure our infrastructure with panels and registrations are solid and up-to-date, and that results of our research are widely spread.
  • General Affairs, containing several operational units such as Administration, IT, HRM and Corporate Affairs, taking care Nivel as an institute is functioning properly.

At our Organisation structure you will find our organisational chart and more information about our individual units.

RapportGender Equality Plan

Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) endorses the importance of gender equality in research, development and innovation. We share the European Commission’s goals of achieving gender equity in academia. In our letter addressed to the European Commission we highlight the central elements of our gender policy that is part of our diversity and inclusivity policy, which is further elaborated in the Nivel Gender Equality Plan.


The formal structure of Nivel is a not-for-profit foundation. Our funding is based on several funding streams. We receive a longterm grant from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports for our specific databases and panels and for our monitoring research infrastructure. Furthermore we receive external project grants from a wide variety of national and international funding organisations.

Meer wetenWant to know more? Contact us

Interested in more information about Nivel as national research institute? Please feel free to contact us. Our ceo prof. Cordula Wagner will tell you more about Nivel as national scientific research institute.


Zenderen, I. van (Nivel Research Communication Center). About Nivel. From: www.nivel.nl [Last update 08-February-2025; consulted on 04-March-2025]. URL: https://www.nivel.nl/en/about-nivel