Nivel, your partner in international research

Nivel is a proud partner in international comparative healthcare research, by collaborating with a number of highly renown European organisations. We also look forward to working with you. Together we can make a joint contribution in improving healthcare.

OrganisatieNivel: expertise, resources, experience, quick deliverables … and enthusiasm!

At Nivel we can rely on a unique combination of people, resources, data, history and experience in healthcare research. This enables us to perform high-quality research for and/or together with you, in a scientifically justified and efficient way:

  • Our experts can draw on a large amount of knowledge and experience in conducting healthcare research.
  • At Nivel we have a total of 14 research programs, in which our diverse group of about a 110 researchers carry out their research.
  • We feature an extensive research infrastructure, consisting of several panels with different groups of healthcare users, a panel of nurses, and two large health data registration systems.
  • By making good use of these features in our (international) projects we are able to provide high-quality deliverables, both on long-term and short-term basis, as needed.
  • For conducting our research we can rely on a wide range of funders and partners, both national and international. These parties are mentioned at each project.
  • We publish all our research results online, giving a complete overview of our work. A selection of our many international publications are given extra attention by supporting them with an online Nivel news item which is also sent to all our abonnees.

In short, Nivel offers you

  • about 110 researchers, active in 14 research programs, of whom 19 also have a chair as professor at a university
  • an enormous amount of health and healthcare data, collected over the years and instantly available for (comparative) research
  • a wide range of representative panels and data registration systems
  • a large network of funders and partners in international research
  • flexible deployment of long and short term research, as well as research projects on short term notice.

This, along with the enthusiasm of all our employees, makes Nivel a suitable partner in health services research.

What kind of research do we do?

Our research is conducted in the broad field of primary care research. This includes:

  • studies into the epidemiology of respiratory viruses and antimicrobial resistance
  • evaluation studies on the efficacy of innovations in healthcare, policy measures, and health law
  • scenario analyses to predict developments in the need for/or supply of healthcare
  • international comparative studies regarding healthcare systems
  • studies on optimizing medication adherence
  • studies into prescription behaviour of general practitioners
  • answering specific questions by using Nivel's database, e.g. evidence on the effectiveness of policy measures
  • COVID-19 research, gaining insight on the short term and long term effects of the virus outbreak, both in the clinical and the societal domain

Our Research Agenda 2022-2024: focus on four urgent societal challenges

The coming years, next to its ‘regular’ research in the wide scope of healthcare (services), at Nivel we will focus on four 'societal challenges' we have drawn up in our Research Agenda 2022-2024. They concern society as a whole and also take up a prominent place in the sector of health and healthcare:

Take a look at our agenda!

Meer wetenInterested in Nivel as research partner? Contact us

Nivel is the only institute in the European region that is active in primary healthcare research. Interested in collaborating with Nivel in international research? Please contact us, we look forward to getting in touch with you!

  • Our head of research unit Primary Care and Support of International Research, Jeroen Hasselaar, will tell you more about ongoing international projects and about cooperating with Nivel as partner in healthcare research.
  • Our experts will tell you more about their field of expertise and about doing research with us in this specific field.


Hasselaar, J. Nivel, your partner in international research. From: [Last update 05-April-2024; consulted on 17-July-2024]. URL: