Joost Vanhommerig, PhD
Senior researcher General Practice Care
- 2024|Lemmens, C.M.C., Vanhommerig, J.W., Knottnerus, B.J., Uitdehaag, B.M.J., Mostert, J.P., Jong, B.A. de. Prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in the Netherlands. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders: 2024, 93, p. Art. nr. 106207.
- 2024|Laarman, C., Vanhommerig, J., Summeren, J. van, Hooiveld, M., Meijer, A., Teirlinck, A., Stelma, F. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) associated primary care incidence estimates in adults aged 50 years and older in the Netherlands; 2016-2019. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 16 p.
- 2024|Mohammad, A.K., Hugtenburg, J.G., Vanhommerig, J.W., Bemt, P.M.L.A. van den, Denig, P., Karapinar-Çarkit, F. Identifying and quantifying potentially problematic prescribing cascades in clinical practice: a mixed-methods study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: 2024
- 2024|Lemmens, C.M.C., Mostert, J., Vanhommerig, J.W., Knottnerus, B., Jong, B. de. Comorbidities in multiple sclerosis patients within general practices in The Netherlands. Multiple Sclerosis Journal: 2024, 30(3 suppl.), p. 1174-1175. Abstract meeting of the 40th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), 18-20 September 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2024|Vanhommerig, J., Knottnerus, B. Diabetes mellitus type 1 en type 2 in Nederland: prevalentie en incidentie in 2022. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 16 p.
- 2024|Vanhommerig, J., Knottnerus, B. Diabetes mellitus type 1 en type 2 in Nederland: comorbiditeit in 2022. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 14 p.
- 2024|Heins, M., Schipper, R., Vanhommerig, J., Knottnerus, B., Hooiveld, M. In 2023 vaker naar de huisarts en minder vaak de huisarts aan huis. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 11 p.
- 2024|Bes, J., Heins, M., Hek, K., Vanhommerig, J. Infographic. Jaarcijfers huisartsenzorg 2023: huisartsen leggen steeds minder visites af. Nivel Zorgregistraties Eerste LIjn. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 1 p.
- 2024|Bes, J., Heins, M., Weesie, Y., Hout, V. van der, Baarda, E., Knottnerus, B., Hasselaar, J., Overbeek, L., Hek, K., Vanhommerig, J. Zorg door de huisarts. Nivel Zorgregistraties Eerste Lijn: jaarcijfers 2023 en trendcijfers 2019-2023. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 192 p.
- 2024|Kayaert, L., Sarink, D., Visser, M., Willemstein, I.J.M., Alexiou, Z.W., Bergen, I. van, Kusters, J.M.A., Op de Coul, E.L.M., Vries, A. de, Wees, D.A. van, Bulsink, K.M., Bokhoven-Rombouts, C.A.J. van, Vanhommerig, J.W., Sighem, A.I., Benthem, B.H.B. van. Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2023 Bilthoven: RIVM, 2024. 168 p.
- 2023|Vanhommerig, J., Jans, H., Baliatsas, C., Knottnerus, B., Hooiveld, M. Ook in 2023 weinig gezondheidsproblemen door eikenprocessierupsen geregistreerd door huisartsen. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 6 p.
- 2023|Afrian, A., Beek, J. van, Beld, M.J.C. van de, Benincà, E., Benschop, K.S.M., Berry, D.S.F., Binnendijk, R.S. van, Blomont-Frederick, S., Bodewes, R., Boer, M.C., Boer, P. de, Boven, M. van, Brouwer, J.G.M., Bruijn, S. de, Brummelman, J., Buisman, A., Charldorp, T.C. van, Coul, E. op de, Cremer, J., Davies, M.A., Duijster, J.W., Duizer, E., Els, C.A.C.M. van, Freudenburg-de Graaf, W., Friesema, I.H.M., Garcia Vilaplana, T., Gier, B. de, Gordon, T., Hagen, C.C.E. van, Hahné, S.J.M., Hartog, G. den, Hubert, H., Huiberts, A., Hoeve, C.E., Hof, S. van den, Hofstee, M.I., Hooiveld, M., Iersel, S. van, Jongenotter, F., Kaaijk, P., Kaczorowska, J., Kampshoff, C., Kassteele, J. van de, Kasteren, P.B. van, Kemmeren, J.M., King, A.J., Klis, F.R.M. van der, Knijff, M., Knol, M.J., Kusters, J.M.A., Lanooij, S.J., Lier, E.A. van, Lista-de Weever, E., Mariman, R., Maxwell, A.A.A., McDonald, S., Meijberg, A., Meijer, A., Meijeren, D.L. van, Melker, H.E. de, Middeldorp, M., Miellet, W., Neppelenbroek, N., Niessen, F.A., Notermans, D.W., Pijnacker, R., Pluijmaekers, A.J.M., Roekel, C. van, Rolink, M., Rots, N.Y., Ruijs, W.L.M., Slobbe, J.F. van, Smagge, B.A., Sorge, N.M. van, Steens, A., Teelen, S., Teirlinck, A.C., Valk, A., Vanhommerig, J.W., Vennema, H., Verheul, M.K., Visser, L.J., Vos, E.R.A., Voskuil, P.H., Vries, M. de, Wijmenga-Monsuur, A.J., Wit, J. de, Wong, D., Woudenberg, T. The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands: surveillance and developments in 2022-2023. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2023. 420 p.
- 2023|Heins, M., Vanhommerig, J., Knottnerus, B., Hooiveld, M. Impact coronapandemie op aantal en type huisartscontacten in de tweede helft van 2022. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 6 p.
- 2023|Heins, M., Bes, J., Weesie, Y., Davids, R., Winckers, M., Korteweg, L., Hellwich, M., Dijk, L. van, Knottnerus, B., Overbeek, L., Hasselaar, J., Hek, K., Vanhommerig, J. Zorg door de huisarts. Nivel Zorgregistraties Eerste Lijn: jaarcijfers 2022 en trendcijfers 2018-2022. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 175 p.
- 2023|Kayaert, L., Sarink, D., Visser, M., Wees, D.A. van, Willemstein, I.J.M., Coul, E.L.M. Op de, Alexiou, Z.W., Vries, A. de, Kusters, J.M.A., Aar, F. van, Götz, H.M., Vanhommerig, J.W., Sighem, A.I. van, Benthem, B.H.B. van. Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2022. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2023. 168 p.
- 2023|Vanhommerig, J., Jans, H., Baliatsas, C., Knottnerus, B., Hooiveld, M. Ook in 2022 weinig gezondheidsproblemen door eikenprocessierupsen. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 6 p.
Senior researcher at Nivel (2022–present)
Epidemiologist/scientific advisor at OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam (2018-2022)
Postdoc at Burnet Institute, Melbourne Australia (2017-2018)
Postdoc at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (2016-2017)
Datamanager for HELIUS study, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (2015-2016)
PhD candidate at Public Health Service of Amsterdam / Academic Medical Center (2011-2016)
Epidemiologist/scientific advisor at OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam (2018-2022)
Postdoc at Burnet Institute, Melbourne Australia (2017-2018)
Postdoc at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (2016-2017)
Datamanager for HELIUS study, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (2015-2016)
PhD candidate at Public Health Service of Amsterdam / Academic Medical Center (2011-2016)
Certified epidemiologist (B level) by the Foundation for training as medical-biological scientific researcher (SMBWO; 2018)
PhD University of Amsterdam. Thesis: Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection (2016)
MSc in Infectious Diseases & Public Health. VU University, the Netherlands (2009)
MSc in Metabolism & Nutrition. Maastricht University, the Netherlands (2008)
PhD University of Amsterdam. Thesis: Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection (2016)
MSc in Infectious Diseases & Public Health. VU University, the Netherlands (2009)
MSc in Metabolism & Nutrition. Maastricht University, the Netherlands (2008)
Memberships/external committees
Member of the Netherlands Epidemiology Society