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Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2022.

Kayaert, L., Sarink, D., Visser, M., Wees, D.A. van, Willemstein, I.J.M., Coul, E.L.M. Op de, Alexiou, Z.W., Vries, A. de, Kusters, J.M.A., Aar, F. van, Götz, H.M., Vanhommerig, J.W., Sighem, A.I. van, Benthem, B.H.B. van. Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2022. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2023. 168 p.
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In 2022, the number of people tested at a Sexual Health Centre (SHC) for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) was higher compared to 2021. The percentage with an STI (21 per cent) was higher compared to 2021. Persons who were notified of an STI by a partner and persons with symptoms had an STI most often.

SHCs offer free STI testing to people at high risk of acquiring an STI. Since August 2019, SHCs have also provided care to men who have sex with men (MSM) who receive a drug to prevent HIV (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, PrEP). This group is tested for STIs every three months (MSM – PrEP pilot). This overview shows how many tests and diagnoses the SHCs have registered per STI. In 2022, there were a total of 164,715 consultations.

There were 24,684 chlamydia diagnoses in 2022, an increase of 21 per cent compared to 2021 (20,465). The percentage of women with chlamydia was higher in 2022 than in 2021, rising from 16.2 to 17.9 per cent. The percentages of heterosexual men and MSM with chlamydia fell slightly to 21.2 and 10.9 percent respectively. Among MSM-PrEP pilot participants, this percentage decreased from 10 per cent in 2021 to 9.4 per cent in 2022.

The number of gonorrhoea diagnoses (10,600) was higher than in 2021 (7,964), an increase of 33 per cent. The percentages of women and heterosexual men with gonorrhoea increased in 2022, after a slight decrease in 2021, to 2.3 and 2.4 per cent respectively. This is the highest percentage among women since 2013. The increase was mainly seen in the second half of 2022. The percentage among MSM rose from 12.4 per cent in 2021 to 12.8 per cent in 2022. Among MSM-PrEP pilot participants, the percentage increased from 9.2 per cent in 2021 to 9.8 per cent in 2022. No antibiotic resistance to the current ‘first choice’ antibiotic for gonorrhoea (ceftriaxone) was reported.

In 2022, the number of syphilis diagnoses (1,574) was higher than in 2021 (1,398). The percentage of MSM with syphilis was 2.3 per cent in 2022, a slight decrease compared to 2021 (2.6 per cent). Among MSM-PrEP pilot participants, this percentage was stable at 1.7 per cent in 2022. The number of diagnoses among women and heterosexual men remained low in 2022, at 34 for both groups.

In 2022, 144 people received an HIV diagnosis, a slight increase compared to 2021 (138). Of these diagnoses, 103 were among MSM and 10 among PrEP pilot participants. The remaining number of diagnoses was 11 for women and 8 for heterosexual men. The number of people with HIV who came to an HIV treatment centre for the first time in 2022 (‘in care’) was 997. This was an increase of 26 per cent compared to 2021 (794).

Among national PrEP pilot participants, 12,195 persons (97 percent MSM) had a first PrEP consultation, of whom 2,413 in 2022. On 31 December 2022, the PrEP pilot programme had an estimated 8,558 participants. In 2022, the percentage of participants with an STI was 18.1 percent.

The first cases of mpox (previously known as monkeypox) in the Netherlands were reported in May 2022. A total of 1,259 mpox infections were reported to RIVM that year, 92 per cent of which were among MSM.